LepreCon is sponsoring a short story contest. At last year's convention, LepreCon members created the world of Pangaea - actually a moon of the planet Pandox in the Delta Camelopardi system. Details about this strange moon can now be found at www.leprecon.org/pandox.html
To enter the contest, you must compose an original short story that is set on Pangaea as it was described by the worldbuilders - but you are encouraged to be creative and add detail to the world. Stories must not be longer than 1500 words. Stories will be judged on their originality and creativity, use of the Pangaea setting, structure, characters, and plot. The story judged to be the best by our judges will be published in ConNotations.
Stories may be submitted in e-mail in text format (preferred) or by hard copy through the mail. You do not need to submit your story in both ways. Hard copy submissions will not be returned.
E-mail stories to: pandoxmoon@yahoo.com.
Mail stories to:
Story Contest
8214 E Vista
AZ 85250