LepreCon 29



$35 until 4/30/03
$40 at the door
Kids 7-12 half price,
Six and under Free
with Adult Membership
Online Registration


LepreCon 29
PO Box 26665 Tempe, AZ 85285

(480) 945-6890
Email: Lep29@LepreCon.org

   Program Participants

Program Participants Scheduled for LepreCon 29 include:

Artist Guest of Honor Larry Elmore
Renowned artist of Dungeons and Dragons, Dragonlance, creator of the Sovereign Stone series, plus many novel covers for Baen Books, Bantam, Warner Books, Del Rey & more.

Author Guest of Honor Charles de Lint
Award winning Fantasy author of over 50 published works including The Little Country, The Onion Girl, & Forests of the Heart.

Local Artist/Author Guest of Honor Madame M
Creator of Creepy Little Bedtime Stories and Eerie Little Bedtime Stories, Winner of 2001 Glyph award for Best Children’s Fiction by the American Book Producers Association

Technical Media Guest Richard Coyle
Movie Prop Designer, editor of Propmaker magazine.

Music Guest Karen Willson
Well regarded music artist, television scriptwriter and co-creator. of A Girls World website.

Barry Bard

" " Normally ebullient and enthusiastic, Barry Bard is silent about his accomplishments and contribution to fandom in Arizona and around the world. He brings us an overflowing freebee table and movie previews and much more. If (who are we kidding when) you stop by his dealer's table he always seems to have just what you are looking for. We hope he knows just how much he is appreciated by AZ fandom!


Christine Beaucage


" " David and Christine Beaucage are a "pair o' docs." The paradox is that, though each of them has an earned Ph.D. in mathematics, and they both had interesting and productive careers in computers and aerospace, they are now happily involved in literary endeavors. Christine has begun a Taste and See series. The first two Taste and See books are currently available, as is a short-short, Taste and See -- A Fourth Bible Tale for the Third Millennium, based on Torah! Torah! Torah! / Three Bible Tales for the Third Millennium, by Thomas M. Disch. This short-short appears on a flyer that is available at LepreCon. Under the auspices of Paraclete Publishing, the pair o' docs has worked with other authors, helping them to get published, or self-publish if appropriate. They are also the leaders of a service called The Rec Room, and have traveled to LepreCon in their Winnebago, affectionately known as the Rolling Rec Room (R**3, or R-cubed).


David Beaucage


" " Author of The Shiloh Project and a member of the SFWA, David is also the leader of the Christian writer's critique group, Holy Scrollers. He has been a computer professional since 1959 and spends his free time designing web pages and writing films, his current project being the as-yet-untitled sequel to The Shiloh Project. Both books are time travel adventures.


Earl Billick

" " Earl is a talented artist and photographer who, with his lovely wife Deb Dedon, is a past Leprecon Special Artist Guest of Honor. His work includes various award winning unpublished visual conceptions in SciFi, Fantasy and Horror, like the Portal series Please Come Inside and Beware of Dog, and illustrations Starhawk, The Rose and Sentinel. You can see examples of Earl’s work illustrating many local convention program books and occasional gamers books illustrations in CAR WARS products by Steve Jackson Games. Recently Earl has been writing short-but-true stories about life in the Society for Creative Anachronism addressing various topics such as brewing, fighting and storytelling. These have been printed in Southwind the monthly official publication for the Kingdom of Atenveldt (Arizona).


Frances Burns

" " Frances Burns has been active in costuming for over 15 years. It is rumored that she popped into this world naked, clutching a portable sewing machine and proceeded to design her own diapers. Frances has been altering and fitting patterns for family and friends since grade school, perfecting the art of clothing making for real-world bodies. Her neighborhood seamstress - who was trained in French Quebec in Couture sewing - mentored her, giving Frances an eye for detail construction, fit, and quality that is rare in fan costuming. She approaches the design and production of costumes as actual clothing - not props to be used once or twice.


Chuck Cady

" " Chuck Cady has been active in fandom since his first convention in 1971. He has been a voracious reader of hard Science Fiction since the 1950s. One of the original-founding members of Atenveldt, fighter Chuck kept getting hit and began putting steel plates over the bruises until he ended up with the very first ever full suit of Plate-Armor anywhere in the SCA. Professionally, Chuck spent 30 years with Honeywell Industrial Control in multiple positions from computer Tech to software developer and tester. He recently served as Contractors Test lead to the Army's Land Warrior program. This program, inspired by Heinlein's Starship Troopers, was intended to provide the M.I. suit's advanced communications and intelligence systems to today's soldiers.


Mike Cassidy

" " Mike has been attending conventions since the first one he attended at the Del Webb tower in the middle of Phoenix in 1976. He is a former Marine ( OORAH !!!) who rebuilds carburetors blindfolded, builds computers with out using instruction manuals and makes scale models with such excruciating detail that most people cry out "You MUST be CRAZY!". Mike currently spends most of his days maintaining and repairing equipment that tests little pieces of silicon impregnated with various kinds of metal oxides for a major multinational company. He has been seen recently at the Velavision corporate office at "The Big Building Plaza" in Dyptheria, AZ in high level talks with the Velavision board of directors.


James Claycomb

" " James Claycomb is an assistant to propmaker Richard Coyle.


Sarah Clemens

" " Sarah is a professional artist who paints SF related works. Her work has been published in Asimov’s, as well as in collections by Ellen Datlow and Gardner Dozois. Her Alien Lawsuits series was featured at WorldCon in Los Angeles, and MagicCon in Orlando has honored her with a Best Artist Award. Sarah was the Artist Guest of Honor at the International Conference on the Fantastic in 1996.


Rick Cook

" " Rick Cook is one of the best reasons to read modern SF. He’s warm, witty and funny – and his books are great, too! Rick will be reading an excerpt the latest book in his “Wiz” series at Leprecon. Rick’s novels include Wizard’s Bane, The Wizardry Compiled, The Wizardry Quested, and Mall Purchase Night, and his short stories include Obsidian Harvest with Leprecon guest Ernest Hogan and Symphony for Skyfall with Peter Manly.


John Davis

" " John is the author of "The Potted Fern," "Our Hero Meets A Bloodsucker," and "Killdozer" as well as many other sci-fi and fantasy stories and poems. John has taught music for 38 years. He has also written text adventure games, several of which have been sold, and spends much of his time reading.


Deborah C. Dedon

" " Deb Dedon is a talented artist who, with her husband Earl Billick, is a past Leprecon Special Artist Guest of Honor. In addition to works of 2D art too numerous to mention, Deb is an exceptional 3D artist, jeweler, and costumer. This exceptional visual artist is also a fledgling writer, experienced convention committee-person, and long-time member of the SCA.


Larry DiTillio

" " Larry DiTillio is a writer with more than 130 produced TV credits, both animation and live action. He wrote several scripts for Babylon 5, and was Executive Story Editor for Season 1 and 2 of the series. He was Story Editor for Beast Wars and The Hitchhiker. Mr. DiTillio also wrote for some of your favorite animated series including He-Man – both the original and the new series – and Captain Power & The Soldiers of the Future. He has won gaming’s prestigious Origins Awards for CityBook 1 (editor and main contributor - Flying Buffalo Inc.), and Masks of Nyarlathotep (writer). He also wrote Isle of Darksmoke" for Tunnels and Trolls and "The Grey Knight" for Pendragon.


jan howard finder

" " Over the past thirty years, jan has been convention chair of Tolkien and Science Fiction Research Association (SFRA) Conferences, as well as Albacon '96. He is a frequent Art Show auctioneer, masquerade participant, judge, and emcee. He has yet to meet a back that didn't like him. Ask him about wombats and buy him a Pepsi.


Joseph Formichella

" " Joseph Formichella is co-Director/Producer/Editor for "Finding the Future: A Science Fiction Conversation", a feature-length documentary shot mostly at Chicon in 2000. The film is slated for release this summer, we will have a preview at this year’s Leprecon. In addition to FINDING THE FUTURE, a feature-length documentary, Joseph Formichella has also written and produced an ultra-low budget feature called WHISPERS, which was shot last spring and is currently in post production. It's a sort of Blair Witch Project meets MTV's Real World. Mr. Formichella has been a screenwriter for about 15 years, and has taught screenwriting at Scottsdale Community College since 1998. Joe Formichella was a contributing editor for Computer Buyer Magazine, and has built and networked his own home computer network.


Adrienne Foster


Fiction has been Adrienne Foster's favorite creative pastime since she was teenager. She has participated in writers' workshops on and off since 1983, and has coordinated the writers' workshops for many regional conventions and Worldcons. Some of the professional participants for past workshops have included S. M. Stirling, Barry Longyear, Marion Zimmer Bradley, and David Brin. Currently marketing her first novel, a gothic mystery, she is simultaneously working on a second -- an Elizabethan fantasy.


Jean Goddin

" " Jean Goddin is a computer programmer, web developer and is online moderator for 2 services. She co-chaired the Phoenix World Horror Conventions in 1994 and 1998. Along with Doreen Webbert, she is co-compiler of Fantasy Cook book: The Favorite Recipes of Your Favorite Fantasy Authors, published by the 1991 World Fantasy Convention. Calling herself a "certifiable info-junkie," Jean enjoys research of everything, as well as cats, travel, and the internet.


Mark Greenawalt


Mark Greenawalt is an award-winning artist who has evolved to painting on living canvases. From liquid latex swimsuits to airbrushed murals, Greenawalt blurs the boundaries between art and photography as an accomplished body painter. His final images are more than documentation snapshots of what he painted -- more like professionally composed photographs of beautiful models whose surroundings compliment their painted skin. The photograph, after all, is the final product once the bodypainting has long since washed away. Mark's work has been featured in numerous magazines, on television, and at live demonstrations for various art groups. Born and raised in Pennsylvania, he now makes his home in Phoenix, Arizona.


Hugh S. Gregory

Professionally an avid Spaceflight Historian based in Vancouver Canada, he has worked as an Engineers' Surveyor, an Industrial Paramedic/E.M.T. (Industrial Ambulance Officer) and managed his own Occupational Health and Safety Program consulting service. He lectures occasionally in local schools on spaceflight history and astronomy. Hugh owns and operates the H.R. McMillan Planetarium's affiliated space and astronomy educational BBS "SpaceBase(tm)." Hugh has produced (and sells) videos on "Voyager 2 at Neptune", "The Gas Planets", "SSTO - The DC-X", "Soviet Space Disasters" and "The Flight Of Buran - The Russian Shuttle Story". His slide/video shows have been appearing at Conventions across North America and also overseas for over 12 years now. On weekends he's a private pilot, amateur astronomer (Member RASC), cricket umpire, and enjoys hiking in the Rockies with his wife Anne.


Bennie Grezlik

" " Currently seeking a publisher for his completed Search For Earth trilogy, Bennie Grezlik's credits include The Anthropic Cosmologist (short story-GateWay SF Magazine, 2002), The Wigglers ("More Stories That Won't Make Your Parents Hurl" anthology, Yard Dog Press, 2003), Slouching Towards Bethlehem (short story-Black Petals Magazine, 2002) and 22 years as a technical writer/trainer in the electric power industry. He has been secretary of the Houston Writer's League, as well as taught classes on the operation, maintenance and repair of power control equipment all over North America and as far afield as China. When not writing or teaching, Bennie tinkers with electronic projects such as treasure detectors.


Lori Herrin

" " Lori Herrin started Larping only 7 years ago but it has not stopped her from getting as involved as possible. For three years she was a narrator for the valleys Rage Against the Darkness, an ongoing independent Werewolf LARP that lasted a record braking 5 years. 7th Sea was her most recent project but both of them have more events coming. . .


Emily Hogan

" " Emily Hogan has been a published author for sixteen years, writing under three pseudonyms. Her short fiction has appeared in Asimov’s SF, the full spectrum Anthology, and Aboriginal SF, whose readers voted her a Boomerang Award. She enjoys studying many different fields including history, neurology, psychology and mythology. As Emily Devenport, her novels include: Shade, Larissa, Scorpianne, Eggheads, The Kronos Condition and Godheads. As Maggy Thomas, she wrote the novel Broken Time, which was nominated for the Phillip K. dick Award. And, as Lee Hogan, she has written the novels Belarus and Enemies.


Ernest Hogan

" " The reputation as the international underground cult author of CORTEZ ON JUPITER and HIGH AZTECH have caused a frenzy of critical acclaim for Ernest Hogan*s latest novel SMOKING MIRROR BLUES. (What? You haven*t read it yet? Get in touch with the folks at Wordcraft of Oregon < ">wordcraft@oregontrail.net > right away!) His fiction has appeared in AMAZING STORIES, LAST WAVE, NEW PATHWAYS, PULPHOUSE, SEMIOTEXT(E), PENTHOUSE HOT TALK, PROUD FLESH, THE RED DOG JOURNAL, SCIENCE FICTON AGE, ANALOG, and SPIDER. Look for "Pallocrat," a short film based on his story "The Frankenstein Penis" on DVD in HELLCHILD: THE WORLD OF NICK LYON. Most recently, "Burrito Meltdown," his light-hearted romp about Chicano bioterrorism appeared in the anthology ANGEL BODY AND OTHER MAGIC FOR THE SOUL (order that from Wordcraft while you*re at it), and soon, in a bookstore near you, "Coyote Goes Hollywood," in which an ancient trickster spirit plugs into the modern media, will be featured in WITPUNK, an anthology from Four Walls Eight Windows.


Angel Hungerford


" " Angel is known to local fandom for writing fanfiction. She also participates in con-running fandom, and is the Faithful Lackey (President) of T.H.E.M. for academic year 02-03.


John Lakey

" " John Lakey was pre-production designer for the animated movies "Titan A.E." and "Anastasia," produced by Fox Animation. He wrote a first draft screenplay for "Dragon's Lair" the animated feature currently in pre-production at Don Bluth studios. Mr. Lakey has spent thirty years as an illustrator and cartoonist of covers and interiors for a wide variety of science fiction/fantasy publications including Marvel Epic magazine, Heavy Metal, Asimov, Analog, Amazing Stories, Dragon, Dungeon, TSR's Dungeons & Dragons. John Lakey also does sculptures and costumes of "Off Road Warriors" made out of contemporary artifacts, aged and distressed to look ancient.


Laura Lakey

" " Laura Lakey started illustrating science fiction and fantasy in 1980 when she got her first assignment for Asimov magazine. She was award the "Readers' Choice" illustration award twice for Asimov. Laura has done several graphic stories with her my husband, John Lakey, for Warren publication's Vampirella, and Creepy magazines, and for Marvel's Epic magazine. Laura has done some work for White Wolf's masquerade series, and horror novels for Dark Harvest Books.


Paula Suzanne Lary

" " Paula Suzanne Lary does stained glass, photography, and costumes. She is secretary of the Southwest Costumer's Guild, and an avid belly dancer.


Jacqueline Lichtenberg


With 18 SF novels, 14 SF short stories, and Star Trek Lives! plus over 6 years of the SF/F review column in The Monthly Aspectarian Jacqueline Lichtenberg, the founder of Star Trek Welcommittee, is still Trekking with her unique combination of science fiction and non-horror Occult writing. Jacqueline is co-founder of Sime~Gen Inc. with Jean Lorrah, and together they have launched the WorldCrafters Guild, the free online school of Professional Writing. Jacqueline has two novels out from Wildside Press -- Molt Brother and City of a Million Legends. They are straight SF with an interstellar archeological background with something of an occult twist. Jacqueline has the Sime~Gen First Omnibus and two “fantasy vampire novels” slated for later this year.


Jeffrey Lu

" " Jeffrey Lu has been a local fan for many years.




Born in St. Petersburg, Russia, she took her first steps in art while studying techniques of Russian and European painters in the Nevsky School of Art. In 1980 she emigrated to the U.S.A. where she continued her education, accepted at The School of Art Institute of Chicago with a full four-year scholarship. Since she became involved with science fiction, fantasy and horror fandom, she has won widespread acclaim for her richly colorful pieces. She has won Art Show awards at the 1992, 93, 95 and 96 World Science Fiction Conventions and won the Best Professional Artist Award at the 1997 World Horror Convention. She was Artist Guest of Honor at LepreCon 26 and has since moved to the Phoenix area.


Honor MacDonald

" " Honor MacDonald is a digital and traditional media artist who lives in Fountain Hills, Arizona. She prefers to work in pencil & ink, digital paint and image manipulation, and 3D modeling and rendering software. Her current projects include ThinkPuppy.com, CastleDraconia.com, and a colaboration goth/horror project titled "Moments of Darkness" at MomentsOfDarkness.com


Don Markstein


" " Don makes his living as a writer and editor. In 1981, Don and his wife, GiGi Dane, founded Apatoons, a cooperative publication that has, in the years since, featured the work of some of animation's top commentators. He edited Comics Revue, a monthly anthology of newspaper comics, from 1984-87, and 1992-96. His works include edited A Prince Valiant Companion, which, among other things, summarized the princely adventurer's entire career in Sunday comics from 1937-80. Don edited Hot Tips from Top Comics Creators, a compendium of wisdom about how to make comics, distilled from hundreds of interviews in Comics Interview magazine. In 1999, he started writing Don Markstein's Toonopedia™, a project he expects to work on for the rest of his life. Part of the reason is to share some of the information he's gathered. But it also works as an excuse to play with toons.


Alice Massoglia

" " A 17 year veteran on the SF&F book selling front, Alice has also worked at Staff or Committee level for approximately a dozen regional or larger SF Conventions, and about the same number of local SF Conventions. She is a part of the group putting on Regency Dance events both locally and at other conventions and is a member of one of the Baker Street Irregulars. Although living in Los Angeles, Alice considers herself to be part of Arizona fandom.


Benjamin Massoglia

" " Part of the Massoglia book-selling clan, Ben has been part of Phoenix fandom from an early age. His current interests include collectible card games, computer games, RPG's, LARP's, as well as science fiction and fantasy literature.


Marty Massoglia


" " A fan and purveyor of fine science fiction and fantasy books for the last 17 years, Marty can usually be found at the dealer's table but is also well known for teaching regency, country and ballroom dancing at local conventions.


Kitty McDonald-Neal


Kitty McDonald-Neal is an integral part of this convention’s programming team. Kitty is known to fandom mostly for her involvement in convention programming, and also for her decade-long VtM chronicle. Her other interests include genealogy, cooking, camping, hiking, gaming and some costuming. Kitty is webmaster for Velavision.com; RipRoarinComics.com and azGamers.INFO, among others. She lives in Tempe with husband Rusty and has 2 grown kids, and two grandchildren.


Henry Melton


" " Henry Melton is a returning dropout of a writer. With several stories published in Analog and other magazines in the 70's and 80's, he is now on the road trying to get back onto the pages with a new story in ANALOG and is back at the Cons. Look for an RV with a huge satellite dish on top and ask about the novels in progress. Some previously published work is available on the web at HenryMelton.com.


Michael Mennenga (men-en-gay)



" " Michael Mennenga's novels include the Fantasy/Romance Novel "Mistress of the Dragon" and the Young Adult Series - "The Valley of the Dragons". He is also host of his own Internet radio talk show called “The Dragon Page” (www.dragonpage.com). Along with his co-host Evo Terra, they broadcast worldwide on Book Crazy Radio (www.bookcrazy.net) and in syndication – with listeners as far away as Australia, Europe, and even Russia. The show features interviews with Sci-fi / Fantasy authors, publishers, and artists – such as, Piers Anthony, R.A. Salvatore, Tracy Hickman, Terry Brooks, and Peter Coyote - and they discuss many other related Sci-fi topics, news, and events. Michael and his wife Lorrie are currently residents of Phoenix Arizona. He is a member of The Arizona Authors Association, Toastmasters Int. and a Book Crazy Author.


D.L. Mullan

" " A native of the Southwest, D.L. Mullan fondly remembers writing stories and poetry from an early age as well as drawing unique abstractions. Later combining these two art forms with technology, D.L. is the web engineer, graphic designer, and webmaster of several professional and personal websites spanning many years. Currently, D.L. exhibits her artistic endeavors in Charity Auctions and Art Shows while speaking on panels of various subjects. D.L. holds an A.A., A.G.S. and B.A. cum laude.


Wayne Myers

" " Wayne Myers – has been involved with Phoenix area fandom for several years as program staff, gaming director, and volunteer at various conventions. He is best known for his Live Action Pokemon game. By day he does computer tech support for Arizona Dept of Transportation and develops further creative ideas.


Yvonne Navarro

" " After nearly twenty years of pining for it, Yvonne Navarro is a new transplant to Arizona. She's been writing since 1982 and has published 13 novels (the latest of which is Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tempted Champions) and over 75 short stories. She's won several awards for her writing here and there, including the Bram Stoker Award. She's currently working on a number of projects that range from more Buffy stuff to a children's book collaboration which she will help write and illustrate. In addition to maintaining an extensive web site at www.yvonnenavarro.com, she's also the owner of a little online bookstore at www.dustystacks.com. The Overlook Connection Press has just released the long-awaited limited edition hardback of her first novel, the apocalyptic vampire saga AfterAge.


Travis Neal

" " Travis Neal has been involved in the LARPing community for almost ten years. He has written numorous scearios and one shots for our very Phoenix conventions and has taken part in ongoing White Wolf Game settings. His most recent accomplishment was his narration and story support for the 7th Sea Larp that ran at the last Hexacon.


Marianne O. Nielsen

" " Dr. Nielsen is Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, Northern Arizona University. She's also editor for OnSpec Magazine for four years; member of SFCanada (formerly very active in Canadian fandom) and SFFWA; she has published 5 short stories, teaches courses on media and criminal justice. Dr. Nielsen teaches a course on film and criminal justice that has some overlap with science fiction. She will be moderating a panel at the Western Social Sciences Association meetings in April on using Star Trek to teach law and criminal justice.


G. David Nordley

" " G. David Nordley (pen name of Gerald David Nordley) is a retired Air Force major. He is an astronautical engineer with 40 published works of short fiction, an electronic book collection (After the Vikings with Scorpiusdigital.com), and a science column for Speculations magazine. Look for his next short story, “The Fire and the Wind” in the July/August issue of Analog.


John North

" " John North is an assistant to propmaker Richard Coyle.


Weston Ochse

" " Weston Ochse has had nearly 100 stories published in horror and science fiction magazines, anthologies and collections. He tend towards the dark side, not of the force, but of humanity. It's his own attempt to figure out why people can be so bad. He's in the Army and has spent 7 years in Psychological Operations. Add to that the fact that he's an interrogator, is it any wonder he likes the dark side? His credentials include Appalachian Galapagos, Scary Rednecks and Other Inbred Horrors, Children of Cthulhu, The Dead Inn, Tournequet Heart and Asylum Volume 2. He's studied martial arts off and on for 25 years, beginning with Tae Kwon Do and is currently studying an Hawaiian Blend Art created by one of the King Kamehamehas called KuiaLua. We call it Ku.


Janeen O'Kerry


" " Janeen Deboard is a writer whose nom de plume is Janeen O'Kerry. Her books are all published by Leisure Books (Dorchester Publishing). Her credits include Sister of the Moon and Spirit of the Mist. Look for them in the Romance genre in spite of their time travel/magic elements.


David Perrine

" " David Perrine is an entrepreneur, planning to build a live-action role-playing theme park northeast of the valley. He is also promoting a ballot initiative to establish a space program in Arizona. He has sold fantasy and sf art of his own creation as well as clothing, weapons, and various other crafts.


William E. Priester

" " William E. Priester is a long time computer Geek, and if that's not SF nothing is. He has written computer games but mostly in the simulation line. The closest to SF he has gotten is an alternate history game where the post-WWI building programs all came to fruition and WWII was VERY different (for one thing it didn't start until 1948). His computer modeling includes Modeling of Quantified Performance in Warfare. 30-40 years ago he sold short stories to various magazines (Worlds of If and Amazing) and later had stories published by Ace in their Doubles books.


Bill Purcell

" " Bill Purcell has published 32 short stories in the SF, F, and H genres, as well as edited the horror anthology, New Traditions in Terror. He was a staff writer for Vamperotica (not a proud time in his writing career) and Cyber Age Adventures. Bill is also author of The Dark One (a fantasy novel), New Traditions in Terror (editor, a horror anthology) and of the short horror story The Tenth Plague.


James Reade


James Reade - is the founder of RipRoarin' Comics, publisher of Marked by the Beast and Blood and Sunder. His other talents include drawing caricatures, creating airbrushed Tshirts and more. Credits include Doctor What, Torg, Marked by the Beast, Blood and Sunder, The Eternal Soldier, Big Bertha, The Side Hill Muckets, and Troley Man. Check out his RipRoarin' Comics webpage for many samples of his art.


Cary Riall

" " Cary Riall is a long-time program participant and master of ceremonies. When not at Cons (which if you think of it, is most of the time), he is an avid scuba diver, traveler, and devote of all things medieval (particularly if they're sharp or flung). He pays for these hobbies as an instructor of advanced software development processes.


Andy Rodriguez

" " Andy Rodriguez is a Rocky Mountain Emmy award-winning writer-producer-director and novelist, extensively experienced in a broad spectrum of entertainment and news. His greatest achievement to date has been writing, producing and directing the full-length motion picture Darkfury. With its 1995 release, became the first film in the 1990's produced by an Arizona-based producer to have successfully acquired national and international direct-to-home video distribution. Andy has also independently written, produced and directed over 115 video productions since 1988. His current production is RetroGirl, an episodic science-fiction/action series that’s already in 11 countries worldwide and has received pre-orders for a year.


Carlos Ross

" " Born in the Philippines, but raised in California and Arizona, Carlos is an avid anime fan who has just recently gotten involved in Valley fandom, through ASU's premier science-fiction/fantasy society, THEM. He is the current maintainer of THEM's successful anime review website, which has been featured on the Anime Web Turnpike, as well as the Google and Excite search engines as a well-established source of information for Japanese animation on the Internet. His various hobbies, which also include gaming and reading SF/F literature and manga (Japanese comics) , counterbalance his Mundane life as a data entry technician for a mail order pharmacy. Carlos is currently on hiatus from his studies at Arizona State University, where he is (or should be) a senior majoring in Japanese Language.


Christi Ross

" " Christi was practically born into fandom. From the start, she followed her parents to Dr. Who and Star Trek conventions, and to this day most of her family is involved in some fashion in fandom. An avid fan of SF/F literature and art, animation, comics (Japanese and American), and role-playing games, she is also a published illustrator and comic artist and runs several art and game-related websites. She is finishing her Graphic Design B.A. at Collins College in Tempe, and is pursuing a career in art education.


Susan Sackett


Susan spent 17 years as Production Associate to Gene Roddenberry on "Star Trek" films and "The Next Generation". Her writing credits include Inside Trek: My Secret Life with Star Trek Creator Gene Roddenberry, also teleplays (with Fred Bronson): 'Ménage a Troi' episode of 'Star Trek, The Next Generation'; 'The Game' episodes of 'Star Trek, The Next Generation.' When not writing, Susan’s other interests include appearances at numerous sci-fi conventions; scuba diving; Humanist activism; wildlife conservation and animal rights; traveling; hiking; activities with her dogs, and photography.


Annis Shepherd

" " Annis is a "teacher of the gifted" and co-director of Academic Power Publishers. She has received a Fellowship from the National Endowment of the Humanities to study Kabuki as well as an award to study Myths at Mythology Institute at the University of Miami at Oxford, Ohio. She was a Finalist in the Writers of the Future Book " VI and her books include "The Wrong Kind of Dragon" (Abingdon Press" and has 9 short stories published.


Mark Siegel

" " Mark Siegel – was an early SF scholar (Ph.D in English), publishing articles on SF film, tv, and lit in academic journals, including Science Fiction Studies and Extrapolation. He is a veteran of the publishing world, former owner/founder of Blue Sky Press. Mark is also one of the local writers published by Mike McCollum's 3M Press. Mark's writing credits include dark fantasy novel Echo & Narcissus (Aardwolf Press 2002); a true murder (Rocky Point), and a dozen nonfiction titles including books on Hugo Gernsback, Tom Robbins, Tom Pynchon, and James Tiptree, Jr.). He has written several hundred articles in various fields, including f&sf lit and film; 25 short stories in places such as Writers of the Future, Ideomancer, and Chiaroscuro.


Lauren Smoller

" " Lauren Smoller is primarily a fanfiction writer and writes original fiction and poetry as being very familiar with a wide range of fanworks in many different fandoms. Lauren is a Sociology major at Arizona State University with an emphasis is on social problems and studied broadcast journalism for a number of years. Currently the Money Grubbing Slime of T.H.E.M., the scifi and fantasy club at ASU.


Ken St. Andre


" " Ken St. Andre - is a well-known Phoenix fan and writer of games and game-related short stories who helped organize the first LepreCon 29 years ago and has made at least a token appearance every year since. He was once foolish enough to chair LepreCon 9 whose motto was “bodges—we don’t need no stinking bodges!” Con members wore buttons. He is an active member of the Academy of Gaming Critics and S.F.W.A., largely on the strength of his game design work for Stormbringer and Tunnels and Trolls (which is not dead!) He has sold several short stories—find them if you can.


David Lee Summers


David Lee Summers is a writer and editor with a background in physics and astronomy. Most notably, he discovered a variable star in 1987 and has developed control systems for robotic telescopes. Currently, he is the editor of "Hadrosaur Tales" and does layout and consulting for El Paso Community College's literary magazine "Chrysalis". His novels, "The Pirates of Sufiro" and "Children of the Old Stars" available in trade paperback editions from all on-line bookstores. In 2001 and 2002, David was voted "Best Local Writer" by the readers of the Las Cruces "Bulletin". He lives in Southern New Mexico with his wife Kumie, his daughters Myranda and Verity, and two crotchety old cats.


Evo Terra


" " Along with co-host Michael Mennenga , Evo broadcasts worldwide on Book Crazy Radio (www.bookcrazy.net) and in syndication – with listeners as far away as Australia, Europe, and even Russia.


Kit Townsend

" " Kit Townsend is a 1987 graduate of Clarion West Writer's Workshop. She was co-founder of a writer's group for semi-professional writers and a founding member of eWorld's Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Forum. Formerly a regular RPG player, she still spends a lot of time creating new characters, worlds, and adventures, although these creations go into fiction now days. Costuming is another creative outlet for her, with costumes ranging from no-sew designs to historical to equestrian costumes for mounted parade groups. In the real world, she worked for thirteen years as the SF/F/H buyer for Books, Etc., an independently owned general bookstore in Tempe. She now is the chief "computer fixer-upper" and library assistant at McClintock High School in Tempe. She also professionally breeds Appaloosa sport horses, and trains everything, but mostly concentrates on hunter and dressage. She is responsible for almost two dozen horses (most of which are for sale) on a ranch near Gila Bend, AZ.


Larry Vela


Larry Vela is a custom painter first known for his work on motorcycles, planes, trucks, then people, and anything that doesn't run away. His keen interest in movie production and all of the arts that are connected with it - such as creation of costumes and props, filming, directing, editing and animation, have led Larry and his associates to form The Velavision Video Group, who produce LepreCon's at-con video newsreels. Larry's notable flat art works include Illusion, Casseiopia, Roadwarrior, and Athena.


Diana Vick

" " Diana Vick is a multi-talented artist residing in Seattle Wa. Having done the artwork for over a hundred and fifty cards, for games including Magic the Gathering, Legend of the Five Rings and The Seventh Sea, she has done extensive work for many collectible card games. During her stint as art director for MU Press, she helped create many new titles and illustrated and co-wrote numerous stories. Other work includes inking in Strikeforce Morituri, cleanup on storyboards for animation such as Gargoyles and The Mask, and several clipart CD-ROMs.


Temp Name


" " Wendy Wheeler – Co-founder of the SlugTribe SF/F group, which has now been running continuously for over 14 years. She is co-coordinator of the DilloCon Writers Workshop, a one-day professional workshop coordinated through ArmadilloCon. Her short fiction has been selected for The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, and has appeared in Analog, Aboriginal SF, Gorezone and other publications, as well as in the anthologies Snow White, Blood Red and Silver Birch, Blood Moon, and Crafters Parts I and II. She has taught fiction courses for the University of Texas Informal Classes for the past eight years. Her fantasy screenplay set in magical, colonial Boston reached a finalist position in the Nicholl Fellowship, Austin Heart of Film, and Texas Film Institute competitions. She is also affiliated with the Heart of Film as a judge/reader.


Lee Whiteside


Lee Whiteside is our local SFTV guru with the long running SF Tube Talk column in ConNotations, The Magrathea/SFTV Web Page (www.sftv.org) and associated mailing lists. Chair of LepreCon 28, Lee is a software Engineer/Lan Administrator in his spare time.


Randall Whitlock


Randall Whitlock - is a registered geologist with background in Meteorites, AZ geology, and environmental assessments. He also operates "MoiRandall's," a custom costume and desktop clothing pattern publishing business (the "Randwulf's" line of historical/fantasy sewing patterns) and edits the "Costume Closet" column in CONNOTATIONS and CACTUS NEEDLES, the newsletter of the Southwest Costumers Guild. Currently president of the Southwest Costumers Guild, fandom knows him for the costumes he builds for convention masquerades and occasional service as Masquerade director. Randy claims to suffer from chronic Paronomasia--the compulsion to make the worst pun possible at the worst possible time.


David Williams

Dr. David A. Williams, Ph.D., is currently serving as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Geological Sciences at Arizona State University, Tempe. He has served as a Visiting Assistant Professor at ASU, teaching Geology 101 and a graduate seminar in Planetary Volcanology during the 2001-2002 academic year. David is currently performing research in volcanology and planetary geology, with a focus on remote sensing and computer modeling studies. His research has included computer modeling of seismic wave propagation through planetary interiors, visible and near-infrared spectroscopy of lunar mare soils, and computer modeling of the thermal, fluid dynamic and geochemical evolution of low-viscosity lava flows in a variety of planetary environments. He is currently an affiliate member of the Solid-State Imaging Team of NASA's Galileo Mission to Jupiter, and has been involved in mission planning, image processing, and data analysis of the Jovian satellites Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. He is also involved in education/public outreach activities including giving talks to school and civic groups and developing Galileo-related educational exercises and slide sets. David received his Bachelor of Science in Astronomy & Astrophysics (with minors in Mathematics and Geology) from Indiana University in 1989, and his Master of Science in Geology from Arizona State University in 1992. He received his Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Alabama in August 1998. He was a three-time Graduate Council Research Fellow and received the award for Outstanding Research by a Doctoral Student from the University of Alabama Graduate School in 1998. His dissertation research focused on computer modeling of the emplacement of high-temperature, low-viscosity komatiite lava flows in the Earth's Precambrian, and included field study of komatiite lava channels and flows in Canada, Western Australia, and South Africa. He has published many papers in scientific journals on subjects related to volcanology and planetary geology. David is a former president of the United Federation of Phoenix, the second longest continuously running Star Trek and general science fiction fan club in the country. He is an avid fan of Star Trek and Star Wars, and several other sci-fi TV shows and movies.


Mike Willmoth

" " Mike is an integral part of the programming team for this convention. He enjoys helping organize and run conventions. He will be chairing the World Horror 2004 and World Fantasy 2004 Conventions. His hobbies include amateur astronomy and ham radio operation. Punster extraordinaire, he can cripple at 20 paces.

Darlene Wilson

" " Darlene Wilson has sold over thirty short fiction and non-fiction to national markets over her writing life. Recently, she published Haunted! A Paranormal Mystery with iUniverse. The mystery is based on her experience with the paranormal. This began with her grandmother's seances and continued with more encounters with lively ghosts. She lives in Phoenix with her friends, cats, and family, who are not haunted. However, she wonders about her computers!