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For LepreCon 29, you can expect panels, workshops, demos and other program items from following categories:LepreCon 29 Detailed Programming Schedule
The "LEP" category of panels/items is all about LepreCon Events.This category includes topics and activities specifically associated with LepreCon itself. Old favorite events like Meet the Pros, the auctions, the masquerade etc., are grouped under this category of programming. |
The "ART" category of panels/items is all about Artistry.This category deals with aspects of art, from the creative process through techniques to the practical aspects of marketing your work. Included are the arts of costuming, cartooning, fine arts, theater, movies and anime. |
The "WRI" category of panels/items is all about Authoring.This category deals with aspects of writing, from the creative process through grammatical construction, to the practical aspects of getting your work published. |
The "SCI" category of panels/items is all about Science.Good science fiction relies on authors' creative use of believable science and this track is meant to present updates and glimpses of the cutting edges of scientific disciplines and technology. |
The "GAM" category of panels/items is all about Gaming.Gamers don't often leave the gaming tables for panels, but there are one or two times that a good panel or presentation will lure them out to the program rooms. This is the track for those few good gaming topics -- which often coincide with other fannish interests (watch for "crossovers"...) |
The "FAM" category of panels/items is all about Family Oriented / Kid Friendly Programming.Kids are fen too, and this track is set to bring them into the fold by sharing with them all that first attracted us to speculative fiction and fantasy. This track of programming is NOT intended to be a daycare or babysitting service - but just to provide some activities that will appeal to those attendees between 6 and 12 years of age. Family members of all ages are encouraged to particpate. |
The "MED" category of panels/items is all about Media.This category deals with movies, video, electronic fandom and the worldwide web. |
The "SOC" category of panels/items is all about Socio-Political Topics.Socio-Political topics lend fodder for fandom's endless speculations of "What If..". Speculative fiction at its best starts with observable fact and moves toward a believable possibility. These topics help provide facts from credible sources and a forum for "think tank" style discussions |
The "FAN" category of panels/items is all about General Fandom.This category includes topics that fall within the realm of genneral "fannish" interest that don't really fit any of the other categories but that we included anyway. |
Do you have ideas for programming that you'd like to see? Are you interested
in helping out with convention Programming? We want to hear from you. It
may be too late to use your idea for this convention, but we want the chance
to use it (and you!) for next year! Contact us at Lep29
LepreCon 29 Programming Schedule
(planned schedule as of May 13, 2003 - Subject to change)
Friday, May 16th
SCI 04: Dinosaurs
Begins: Friday 2:00 PM
Location: Suite A
What's new about old bones? Help settle some new arguments...was
the Tyrant Lizard a fearsome predator with those short, comic arms?
Did a comet cause the extinction of the dinosaurs? Were dinosaurs
warm or cold blooded?
Participant(s): jan howard finder, David Lee
Summers, G. David Nordley, Chuck Cady,
WRI 11: Applying the Seat of Your Pants to the Seat of Your Chair
Begins: Friday 2:00 PM
Location: Suite E
Overcoming Writers' Block. Is there anything worse than staring
at a blank computer screen, waiting for the words to appear? Everyone
gets it, but how do you get over it?! Here are some tips from experts.
Participant(s): Adrienne Foster, Emily Hogan,
Jacqueline Lichtenberg (moderator), Henry Melton,
FFP 02: Things of Science Themes
Family Panel
Begins: Friday 3:00 PM
Location: Demo - Room 2003
Show the kids how to do some nifty effects with simple, easily available
materials then help them do it! Don't tell them it's science til after
they're having fun... :-) All ages are encouraged to participate!
Participant(s): jan howard finder, Kitty McDonald-Neal
ART 02: Censorship and Artistic Freedom
Begins: Friday 3:00 PM
Location: Suite A
How free is our speech right now? Is there *ever* a reason to silence
a creator? What impact has the Internet had on artistic freedom?
What effect does the marketplace have on limiting freedom of speech through
literature and art?
Participant(s): Ernie Hogan, Don Markstein,
Larry Vela, Lubov,
MED 23: Excerpts from "Finding the Future"
Begins: Friday 3:00 PM
Location: Suite E
Local filmmaker, Joseph Formichella shows excerpts from his work "Finding
the Future", a feature-length documentary shot at Worldcons, and
several Phoenix area conventions. It explores the vision and impressions
of professionial writers as well as fans in regard to how SF has influenced
society, and vice-versa.
Participant(s): Joseph Formichella,
SOC 22: Dream Interpretation Workshop
Begins: Friday 4:00 PM
Location: Demo - Room 2003
Kitty McDonald-Neal helps you understand the workings of your unconscious
mind through dream interpretation.
Participant(s): Kitty McDonald-Neal,
Reading1: Reading by Angel Hungerford
Fan Fiction
Begins: Friday 4:00 PM
Location: Reading - Room 1123
Angel Hungerford reads some of her fan fiction
Participant(s): Angel Hungerford,
FFP 06: Collectible Card Games for Kids
Family Panel
Begins: Friday 4:00 PM
Location: Suite A
Yu-gi-Oh!, Pokemon, Harry Potter collectible card games; tips for collecting
*and* playing. Come and share tips on playing the games! All
ages are encouraged to participate!
Participant(s): Jeffrey Lu, Ben Massoglia,
Wayne Myers, ,
WRI 29: The Vampire as Good Guy
Begins: Friday 4:00 PM
Location: Suite E
How do you take an icon of the horror genre, the vampire, and write
him or her as a sympathetic fantasy hero? What are the advantages of combining
aspects of genres to create new forms?
Participant(s): Larry DiTillio, Jacqueline
Lichtenberg, Bill Purcell (moderator), Yvonne Navarro,
ART 16: Getting the Right Fit Bustiers for YOUR Figure
Begins: Friday 5:00 PM
Location: Demo - Room 2003
Want to look stunning at your next convention? Costumer and Masquerade
Director, Frances Burns will help you learn how to pick the right bustier
for your body-type. She'll show you the basics of what to look for
in a purchase or a pattern.
Participant(s): Frances Burns,
Reading2: Reading by Weston Ochse
a story from the collection Appalachian Galapagos
Begins: Friday 5:00 PM
Location: Reading - Room 1123
Weston Ochse will read a story from his collection Appalachian Galapagos
Participant(s): Weston Ochse,
WRI 17: Is it Fantasy If You Rip it Off from History?
Begins: Friday 5:00 PM
Location: Suite A
Authors discuss ways to use historical events as fodder for current
fantasy plots. Is fantasy fiction constrained by what REALLY happened
in our own history? How much research goes into writing historical
fantasy and are we mislead by "facts" presented in that fiction?
Participant(s): Janeen O'Kerry, Ken St. Andre,
Kit Townsend, Annis Shepherd,
Lep 11: Meet the Pros
Begins: Friday 7:00 PM
Location: Lobby Bar
Come and mingle with our professional guests and participants at this
reception for ALL con attendees.
Participant(s): Cary Riall - MC, ALL
Lep 30: Friday Night LARP
Begins: Friday 7:00 PM
Location: Suite D
In a modern city, a feudal Prince's right to rule has been challenged.
Dark are the streets of Phoenix as a Kindred Court must choose a leader
or face a bloody civil war. Come join us for live action role playing!
Participant(s): Charmain Fletcher Hopkins,
Zoe Mora
SCI 15: Space Exploration in the Wake of the Shuttle Columbia Accident
WARNING - This is a Roundtable Discussion
Begins: Friday 8:00 PM
Location: Demo - Room 2003
This is YOUR chance to get involved in program, roundtable discussions
are forums where our con attendees can voice their opinion on a variety
of subjects. Is space flight worth the risks/costs? How will the
latest shuttle disaster affect the manned space program? Is the money
better spent here on earth?
Participant(s): Hugh Gregory, Chuck Cady
Reading5: Reading by David Beaucage
Begins: Friday 8:00 PM
Location: Reading - Room 1123
Reading from The Howlings by David Beaucage
Participant(s): David Beaucage,
MED 14: SF, Fantasy and Horror on TV
Star Trek, Buffy, Xena, DS9, Andromeda, and Others
Begins: Friday 8:00 PM
Location: Suite E
The best and the worst of current and past programs (Star Trek, Buffy,
Xena, DS9, Andromeda, Angel, and others). Are we facing a drought of sf
and fantasy shows in coming years? How does the writing on these
series stack up against other shows?
Participant(s): Larry DiTillio, , Diana Vick,
David A. Williams (moderator),
Lep 12: Filk Concert
Presented by the Phoenix Filk Circle
Begins: Friday 8:00 PM
Location: Suites B/C
Participant(s): Karen Willson,
Lep 06: Art Show Walk-Thru
with Guests of Honor
Begins: Friday 9:00 PM
Location: Art Show
Join Art Show Director Ray Gish and our esteemed Artist Guests of Honor
Madame M and Larry Elmore as they walk through the Art Show, enjoying and
interpreting the entries.
Participant(s): Ray Gish, Elmore, Larry, Madame
M, ,
Lep 23: Junk Box Wars
Begins: Friday 9:00 PM
Location: Demo - Room 2003
Velavision does it again! They'll bring the Junk Box and tell your
teams what to create. After that, it's all up to you! Who will win?
Participant(s): Mike Cassidy, Larry Vela, Cary
Riall, ,
Reading13: Family Reading by Jeffrey Lu
Selections from Dr. Seuss
Begins: Friday 9:00 PM
Location: Reading - Room 1123
Selections from Dr. Seuss read by Jeffrey Lu
Participant(s): Jeffrey Lu,
FAN 07: Concert with Charles de Lint and MaryAnn Harris
Begins: Friday 9:30 PM
Location: Suites B/C
Author GOH Charles de Lint and his wife MaryAnn Harris host a music
concert for all of us to enjoy!
Participant(s): Charles de Lint, MaryAnn Harris
Lep 19: UFP's Sci Fi Jeopardy
Begins: Friday 10:00 PM
Location: Suite E
Join The United Federation of Phoenix for SciFi Jeopardy and test your
knowledge on all things Sci-Fi.
Participant(s): Lee Whiteside,
SOC 14: Sex Toys of the Future
Late Night - Adults Only, Humor Panel
Begins: Friday 11:00 PM
Location: Suite A
Humorous midnight panel with presentation by Bennie Grezlik.
Participant(s): Sarah Clemens, Bennie Grezlik,
Honor MacDonald, John Lakey,
FAN 19: Fandom and the Internet
Begins: Friday 11:59 PM
Location: Suite E
How the Internet has affected fandom. What cool websites are
out there for readers, writers, and artists? Is fandom better or
worse for the experience? What future changes are likely as a result
of the Internet?
Participant(s): Angel Hungerford, Andy Rodriguez,
Carlos Ross, Randall Whitlock,
Saturday March 17th
GAM 02: Cheats Panel - Single Shooter Games
Begins: Saturday 10:00 AM
Location: Demo - Room 2003
How do you become a "super user" in Red Faction, GTA3, GTA Vice City,
others? What are the new games, and how do you get great at them?
What are the cheats that will allow you to become "great" faster?
Participant(s): Joseph Formichella, Ben Massoglia
WRI 33: What Is a Hook and How Do I Write a Good One?
Hands-on Writer's Workshop
Begins: Saturday 10:00 AM
Location: Reading - Room 1123
Ways you can open your short story or novel to gain the attention of
your reader or editor. The attendees are invited to bring in and
read the first page or so of any work in progress, and then get feedback
on the spot from Janeen DeBoard.
Participant(s): Janeen O'Kerry, solo, do not
add anyone else
MED 26: Confessions of an Animation Writer
Begins: Saturday 10:00 AM
Location: Suite A
Join animation (and SF TV) writer Larry DiTillio for the inside story
on Beast Wars, He-Man and writing cartoons. Larry wrote for some
of your favorite animated series including He-Man - both the original and
the new series - and Captain Power & The Soldiers of the Future.
He was also Story Editor for Beast Wars. A definite "must see" panel!
Participant(s): Larry DiTillio,
Lep 01: SF Tube Talk
with Lee Whiteside
Begins: Saturday 10:00 AM
Location: Suite E
Our own Lee Whiteside, webmaster of SFTV.ORG gives us the scoop on
upcoming Science Fiction, Fantasy and other cult television. Get the latest
word on new and returning shows.
Participant(s): Lee Whiteside,
WRI 32: Professional vs. Non-professional Markets for Your Writing
Begins: Saturday 10:00 AM
Location: Suites B/C
What are the pros and cons of each? How do you reach the right
audience? Are non-professional markets a springboard to professional
publication? Or, are they unique?
Participant(s): Christine Beaucage, Marianne
O. Nielsen, Weston Ochse, Mark Siegel, Darlene Wilson
Autograph 2: Autograph Session
Begins: Saturday 11:00 AM
Location: Dealers Room
Participant(s): , Larry DiTillio
FAN 01: How to Build a Home Computer Network
Begins: Saturday 11:00 AM
Location: Demo - Room 2003
If your house has more computers than printers, you need to attend
this. If you want to be able to play Unreal Tournament against your
room-mate, this is the panel for you! Henry Melton shows you the
basics of hoe to build a SUCCESSFUL home computer network. Cheap.
Participant(s): Henry Melton,
FAN 06: Coffee and Conversation with Charles de Lint and MaryAnn Harris
Begins: Saturday 11:00 AM
Location: Filk Suite - Room 3037
Join our Guest of Honor Charles de Lint and his wife, MaryAnn Harris
in the Filk Suite for coffee and conversation. Besides being talented
writers, they are both accomplished musicians. This is your chance
to talk with them in a comfortable, informal setting.
Participant(s): Charles de Lint, MaryAnn Harris
Reading12: Family Reading by Don Markstein
Begins: Saturday 11:00 AM
Location: Reading - Room 1123
Family Reading: a classic comic book story ("The Second Richest
Duck", where Uncle Scrooge first met Flintheart Glomgold) read by Don Markstein
Participant(s): Don Markstein,
WRI 19: I've Written a Book, Now What?
Begins: Saturday 11:00 AM
Location: Suite A
The advantages and disadvantages of traditional publishing, subsidy
publishing, and other ways to get your book into print. If you decide to
self-publish, how do you get started? What are the best ways to promote
your books? What distribution channels are available?
Participant(s): Christine Beaucage, David Beaucage,
Bennie Grezlik, Andy Rodriguez, Yvonne Navarro
Lep 15: Masquerade Participant Meeting
Begins: Saturday 11:00 AM
Location: Suite D
Masqueraders will be advised of everything they need to know to be
part of our Saturday Night Masquerade. Rules, expectations, helps and hints,
dos and don'ts... Masquerade Participants, you MUST attend this meeting
if you want to be in the Masquerade.
Participant(s): Frances Burns, Cary Riall
Lep 10: Local Artist GOH
Begins: Saturday 11:00 AM
Location: Suites B/C
Madame M talks about herself, her creepy characters and her experiences
in publishing her gothic children's books. Come hear some of her stories
and ask her questions about her work.
Participant(s): Madame M,
Autograph 3: Autograph Session
Begins: Saturday 12 noon
Location: Dealers Room
Participant(s): John Lakey, Laura Lakey
ART 19: Middle Eastern Dance Costuming
Begins: Saturday 12 noon
Location: Demo - Room 2003
Do you want to look exotic, but you aren't sure what to buy?
Or, how much to spend? Do you long to find or make that perfect costume?
Learn Middle Eastern dance costuming from two experts.
Participant(s): Deb Dedon, Paula Suzanne Lary
WRI 37: Write Club Meeting
2.5 hours
Begins: Saturday 12 noon
Location: Lobby Bar
Writer's workshop led by Joseph Formichella. Open to all Leprecon
attendees, this workshop is directed at those of you who want to write
screenplays. A general discussion of what it takes to write a screenplay
will be followed by an opportunity for critique of your in progess work.
If you have pages for review, please bring them. If not, come and
learn some of the basics about script-writing and the group, which meets
weekly in Phoenix.
Participant(s): Joe Formichella,
Reading3: Reading by Bill Purcell
one short story and excerpt from novel
Begins: Saturday 12 noon
Location: Reading - Room 1123
Bill Purcell reads from one of his short stories and an excerpt from
one of his novels.
Participant(s): Bill Purcell,
WRI 10: What to Read Between Harry Potter Books
Great Books for Teens and Pre-Teens
Begins: Saturday 12 noon
Location: Suite A
Okay, you got your kids hooked on Harry Potter. How about introducing
them to Diana Wynne Jones, Lemony Snicket, and Jane Yolen? What's
appropriate for what ages? How can you get a reluctant reader hooked
on other series while we wait for the next book from J. K. Rowling?
Participant(s): Ernie Hogan, Angel Hungerford,
Janeen O'Kerry, Lauren Smoller,
WRI 23: Books that Changed My Life
Begins: Saturday 12 noon
Location: Suite E
What are the books that stirred your soul, awakened your wisdom, and
changed your life forever? How old were you when you first read them? What
was the idea that so profoundly impacted your life? Come and reminisce
and share the wonder again!
Participant(s): , Adrienne Foster, Don Markstein,
Lubov, G. David Nordley
ART 30: Life in Tinseltown, Making Props in Hollywood
Begins: Saturday 12 noon
Location: Suites B/C
Richard Coyle, our Leprecon 29 Media Guest of Honor, talks about his
experiences as a professional prop designer for Hollywood.
Participant(s): Richard Coyle, James Claycomb,
John North, ,
Autograph 4: Autograph Session
Begins: Saturday 1:00 PM
Location: Dealers Room
Participant(s): Madame M, Weston Ochse
FFP 05: Wings for Kids
Family Panel
Begins: Saturday 1:00 PM
Location: Demo - Room 2003
We provide the materials, you make the wings! Participants are
encouraged to sign up at registration, so we know how many will be joining
us. All ages are encouraged to participate!
Participant(s): Kitty McDonald-Neal,
Reading4: Reading by Yvonne Navarro
Begins: Saturday 1:00 PM
Location: Reading - Room 1123
Yvonne Navarro reads from her latest work.
Participant(s): Yvonne Navarro,
MED 02: Star Trek Lives!
Begins: Saturday 1:00 PM
Location: Suite A
History and evolution of the Star Trek mythos. Panelists talk
about everything from Classic Trek to the latest movies. Beam me
up, Scotty!
Participant(s): Alice Massoglia, David Lee
SCI 16: NASA, Columbia, and Space Science: Where Do We Go from
Begins: Saturday 1:00 PM
Location: Suite E
What future options is NASA looking at? Near term most likely
solutions? Will we see only unmanned exploration to the planets?
What is going on with private space programs? How about the Japanese,
Chinese, Russian, and European programs?
Participant(s): Earl Billick, Hugh Gregory,
Bennie Grezlik, David A. Williams (moderator), G. David Nordley
Lep 09: Larry Elmore Q&A
Begins: Saturday 1:00 PM
Location: Suites B/C
Meet Larry Elmore and ask him anything about art, writing, the adventure
game market, how to get published, the old TSR days, and even Dragonlance!
Feel free to bring your art portfolio.
Participant(s): Larry Elmore,
Autograph 5: Autograph Session
Begins: Saturday 2:00 PM
Location: Dealers Room
Participant(s): Charles de Lint, David Lee
MED 15: Our Favorite Guilty Pleasures
WARNING - This is a Roundtable Discussion
Begins: Saturday 2:00 PM
Location: Demo - Room 2003
This is YOUR chance to get involved in program, roundtable discussions
are forums where our con attendees can voice their opinion on a variety
of subjects. Reality TV, The Man Show, Blind Date, Howard Stern, Extreme
Dating, the Anna Nichol show - aren't you ashamed? I'm not!
Is watching Blind Date better than marriage counseling? Does it take
a chest full of silicon and a bad attitude to be a reality TV star?
Aren't you glad they only get 15 minutes of fame?
Participant(s): Emily Hogan,
Reading11: Family Reading by David Beacage
I Can't Find Bongo Kitty
Begins: Saturday 2:00 PM
Location: Reading - Room 1123
I Can't Find Bongo Kitty read by David Beaucage
Participant(s): David Beaucage,
FAN 25: What to Collect, What Not to Collect
Begins: Saturday 2:00 PM
Location: Suite A
Collecting vs. accumulating, what's the difference? How to find
bargains. How to know if you are wasting your money. Should you collect
only what you love? Protecting and displaying your collection.
Learn from some master accumulators and collectors.
Participant(s): Barry Bard, Adrienne Foster,
William Priester (moderator), Mike Willmoth,
FAN 23: Prop-Making 101
Begins: Saturday 2:00 PM
Location: Suite E
Guest of Honor Richard Coyle talks about how props are made.
This is your chance to get familiar with the processes, and examine some
small hand props.
Participant(s): Richard Coyle, James Claycomb,
John North, ,
ART 27: Combining Music and Literature
Begins: Saturday 2:00 PM
Location: Suites B/C
What songs inspire authors? What books inspire songwriters?
What do they have in common? What new dimensions can an author add
to their writing through song? What new insights can a singer bring
to another's written word?
Participant(s): Rick Cook, , Mark Siegel, Karen
Autograph 6: Autograph Session
Begins: Saturday 3:00 PM
Location: Dealers Room
Participant(s): Michael Mennenga, David Beaucage
FAN 04: Belly Dancing Workshop
Begins: Saturday 3:00 PM
Location: Demo - Room 2003
Workshop on how-to-do belly dancing from experts. Learn how to
shake it the right way!
Participant(s): Paula Suzanne Lary,
Reading9: Family Reading by Kitty McDonald-Neal
The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
Begins: Saturday 3:00 PM
Location: Reading - Room 1123
Kitty McDonald-Neal reads The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
Participant(s): Kitty McDonald-Neal,
ART 09: Technology for Artists
Begins: Saturday 3:00 PM
Location: Suite A
Is a paint brush all you need, or is Digital Element your best friend?
Are the newfangled tools liberating or poor substitutes for practice and
talent? What programs are the most friendly to use right now?
If you are interested in seeing the latest software, and maybe getting
some special discounts, come by!
Participant(s): Laura Lakey, Honor MacDonald,
Dawn Mullan, James Reade,
GAM 06: What's Hot in Computer Gaming?
Begins: Saturday 3:00 PM
Location: Suite E
Unreal Tournament and beyond. What are the new hot games?
Who's creating them? What are the new themes? Why are they
fun? What hardware is recommended to get the best gaming experience?
Participant(s): Mike Cassidy, Joseph Formichella,
Ben Massoglia, Wayne Myers,
Lep 07: Author GOH
Begins: Saturday 3:00 PM
Location: Suites B/C
Author Guest of Honor Charles de Lint reads from his work and talks
about his books and his craft.
Participant(s): Charles de Lint,
Autograph 7: Autograph Session
Begins: Saturday 4:00 PM
Location: Dealers Room
Participant(s): Tanya Gentlemen, Rick Cook
ART 06: Pictionary
Artists Lead Competition Teams
Begins: Saturday 4:00 PM
Location: Demo - Room 2003
Our Local Artist GOH Madame M, and Larry Vela, artist extraordinaire
lead teams of con attendees who will try to guess sf, horror, and fantasy
titles and topics. For those of us who can't draw a straight line,
here's our chance to play with the pros! Come and join the fun!
Participant(s): Madame M, Larry Vela
FAN 08: Audience Participation Play with Wendy Wheeler
Begins: Saturday 4:00 PM
Location: Reading - Room 1123
Here's *your* chance for stardom! Wendy Wheeler directs you in
one of her SF plays. Here's your chance to star in it! Or,
just show up and watch.
Participant(s): Wendy Wheeler,
ART 01: How to Sell Your First Published Work
Or, Can You?
Begins: Saturday 4:00 PM
Location: Suite A
Panelists will offer their thoughts about traditional publication through
professional book publishers, how to get your work to an editor, and whether
you need an agent. What alternatives are there to traditional publishing
that make sense in the current market? Is it getting easier or tougher
to get published now versus five years ago?
Participant(s): Sarah Clemens, Emily Hogan,
Ernie Hogan, Lubov,
ART 31: What's new At Elmore Productions
Begins: Saturday 4:00 PM
Location: Suite E
Learn about Larry Elmore's new publishing division. Get detailed
information on his current products such as SnarfQuest 'd20' and learn
about his new 'd20' Art book line featuring artist like Jeff Easley, Stephanie
Law, and Andy Hopp.
Participant(s): Larry Elmore,
Lep 14: Charity Auction
Begins: Saturday 4:00 PM
Location: Suites B/C
Participant(s): Catherine Book,
FAN 14: Alien Archaeology Panel
Humor Panel
Begins: Saturday 5:00 PM
Location: Demo - Room 2003
Panelists will be given a variety of common and uncommon household
items. Their goal is to tell the audience what an archaeologist from
an alien civilization would decide the item was, and what it's significance
within our society would be.
Participant(s): , Deb Dedon, Hugh Gregory,
Marianne O. Nielsen,
ART 29: Collectible card game art
Begins: Saturday 5:00 PM
Location: Suite A
Collectible card games have become wildly popular, especially among
younger fans. How do the ideas get generated for the artwork?
Does the artwork quality increase the demand for the card? How can
you hook up with the card game manufacturers to become involved in producing
the art?
Participant(s): John Lakey (Moderator), Laura
Lakey, Diana Vick, Wayne Myers,
Lep 26: Regency Dancing
Basics for beginners as well as dancing for the experienced
Begins: Saturday 5:00 PM
Location: Suite E
You don't need to know how to dance to join in the fun! Alice
and Marty Massoglia host this regency and country folk dance . Come
to dance, or come to watch, costumes only improve the atmosphere.
Participant(s): Alice Massoglia, Marty Massoglia
Lep 33: LepreCon 29's Saturday LARP
Come join us for live action role playing!
Begins: Saturday 7:00 PM
Location: Gaming Room
Werewolf the Apocalypse - As the Sept of the Burning Sky send their
cubs of onto their Rite of Passage, the Wyrn sneaks upon them in the most
unsuspecting manner. The Sept fights to maintain its leadership and
fight the toxic minions from the abyss. Will the past be their undoing
or will new beginnings bring hope to this caern?
Participant(s): Lori Herrin, Travis Neal
Lep 16: Masquerade
Begins: Saturday 7:00 PM
Location: Suites A/B/C
Participant(s): Frances Burns, Cary Riall
MED 11: Translating Comics into Film
Begins: Saturday 8:00 PM
Location: Suite E
The use of superheroes in film: Spiderman, Daredevil, Batman.
Why are comic book film adaptations so popular right now?
Participant(s): Lakey, John (Moderator), Don
Markstein, Lauren Smoller, Diana Vick,
SOC 04: Runes and Tarot Workshop
Begins: Saturday 9:00 PM
Location: Demo - Room 2003
Runes and tarot workshop by artist Deb Dedon.
Participant(s): Deb Dedon,
FAN 22: Sociology of Fandom
Begins: Saturday 9:00 PM
Location: Suite E
What draws us together? Why do we come to conventions?
Are we looking for an extended family or a mate? How does fandom
differ from the rest of society? In what ways does fandom insulate
itself from the rest of society?
Participant(s): , Alice Massoglia, Marianne
O. Nielsen, Carlos Ross,
SOC 06: Urban Legends, Roswell, Darwin Awards, and Pop Rocks
WARNING - This is a Roundtable Discussion
Begins: Saturday 10:00 PM
Location: Demo - Room 2003
This is YOUR chance to get involved in program, roundtable discussions
are forums where our con attendees can voice their opinion on a variety
of subjects. Con attendees discuss urban legends.
Participant(s): Paul Tanton,
Lep 20: ConFusion
LepreCon's Modern Dance Event
Begins: Saturday 10:00 PM
Location: Suites A/B/C
Participant(s): Shahn Cornell, Ethan Moe
FAN 02: Matchdotcom or Matchdotbomb? Love on the Internet
WARNING - This is a Roundtable Discussion
Begins: Saturday 11:00 PM
Location: Demo - Room 2003
This is YOUR chance to get involved in program, roundtable discussions
are forums where our con attendees can voice their opinion on a variety
of subjects. This one is a moderator-led discussion of Internet dating
horror stories, tempered perhaps by stories of wonderful hookups.
Are the early days of Internet dating burned into our minds forever?
Or, can we accept that mundanes are really finding each other out there?
Participant(s): David Williams,
ART 13: Bodypainting
Adults Only
Begins: Saturday 11:00 PM
Location: Suite E
What do you get when you combine a beautiful (almost) nude model, an
artist, and an airbrush? Mark Greenawalt's bodypainting demo has
all that and more! Adults only, please!
Participant(s): Mark Greenawalt,
Sunday March 18th
WRI 05: The Rules, and How to Break Them
What are the Conventions of Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy?
Begins: Sunday 10:00 AM
Location: Suite A
This will be a discussion of the elements that make science fiction
and fantasy what they are, and then how these structures might be twisted
to create new and better stories.
Participant(s): Sarah Clemens, Henry Melton,
Mark Siegel, Wendy Wheeler, G. David Nordley
Lep 27: What's New in Publishing?
Begins: Sunday 10:00 AM
Location: Suite D
Michael Mennenga and Evo Terra talk about what new books are coming
out from your favorite Science Fiction authors.
Participant(s): Michael Mennenga, Evo Terra
Lep 02: At the Movies
Freebies & Previews with Barry Bard
Begins: Sunday 10:00 AM
Location: Suites B/C
Once again, local favorite Barry Bard will present sneak peaks from
upcoming movies and give away all those great promotional goodies that
we love. Thanks, Barry!
Participant(s): Barry Bard,
Reading6: Reading by Rick Cook
Begins: Sunday 11:00 AM
Location: Reading - Room 1123
Reading by Rick Cook from Wiz 6 - the latest book in his Wiz
Participant(s): Rick Cook,
MED 07: Why I Love Buffy
Empowering Our Teen Characters
Begins: Sunday 11:00 AM
Location: Suite A
What's new for next season, now that Sarah Michelle Gellar is gone?
Is Buffy one of the few shows with several strong female teen characters?
Is there a dichotomy in how teenage characters are handled on most TV programs?
Are teen boy characters more often faced with an external challenge to
solve, while teen girl characters are more often portrayed doing something
"stupid" and spending the rest of the episode trying to fix it?
Participant(s): Jacqueline Lichtenberg (moderator),
Alice Massoglia, Yvonne Navarro
Lep 28: Internet Talk Radio
What It's Like to Interview Your Favorite Authors
Begins: Sunday 11:00 AM
Location: Suite D
Michael Mennenga and Evo Terra host "The Dragon Page," worldwide Internet
interviews with Sci-Fi/Fantasy authors, publishers, and artists such as
Piers Anthony, R. A. Salvatore, Tracy Hickman, Terry Brooks, and Peter
Coyote. They share their experiences Interviewing your favorite authors.
Participant(s): Michael Mennenga, Evo Terra
Autograph 8: Autograph Session
Begins: Sunday 12 noon
Location: Dealers Room
Participant(s): Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Yvonne
ART 32: How to Draw A Dragon
Begins: Sunday 12 noon
Location: Demo - Room 2003
Artists Dawn Mullen and James Reade teach you how to draw a dragon.
This is a workshop, they'll provide the paper and pencils, all you need
to bring is your imagination.
Participant(s): Dawn Mullan, James Reade
Reading7: Reading by David Lee Summers
Begins: Sunday 12 noon
Location: Reading - Room 1123
David Lee Summers reads fantasy excerpts from his vampire novel.
Participant(s): David Lee Summers,
WRI 36: Writing Biblical Horror
Begins: Sunday 12 noon
Location: Suite A
Inspiration, research, and author's anecdotes relating to this unique
sub-genre are offered up for discussion.
Participant(s): Bill Purcell,
ART 25: Book Layout and Cover Design
Begins: Sunday 12 noon
Location: Suite D
How to bring together the total package, especially for self-publishers.
How to make your Print on Demand book look attractive and professional.
Participant(s): David Beaucage, John Lakey
Autograph 9: Autograph Session
Begins: Sunday 1:00 PM
Location: Dealers Room
Participant(s): Janeen O'Kerry, Evo Terra
WRI 04: The Bulwer-Lytton Contest
It Was a Dark and Stormy Night...
Begins: Sunday 1:00 PM
Location: Suite A
This is not your traditional fiction contest. Named for
Edward "It was a dark and stormy night..." Bulwer-Lytton, this contest
seeks to find the *worst* opening sentence to the most atrocious novel
never written. We'll accept entries all day Friday and Saturday.
Our moderator will read them, mock them, and facilitate voting and awards
for worst entry. A great prizes for the worst entry!
Participant(s): Rick Cook, Randall Whitlock
Lep 29: T.H.E.M. Anime Family Feud
Begins: Sunday 1:00 PM
Location: Suite D
T.H.E.M., ASU's science-fiction and fantasy society, presents a team
game show for fans of Japanese animation, both new and experienced. Win
cool prizes! Show off in front of your friends! See if you
can guess what "the survey says"!
Participant(s): Angel Hungerford, Carlos Ross,
Christina Ross
Begins: Sunday 1:00 PM
Location: Suites B/C
Participant(s): Ray Gish,
FFP 04: Color Demo Using Playdough
Family Panel
Begins: Sunday 2:00 PM
Location: Demo - Room 2003
Basics of color theory. Kids of all ages create a color wheel
using Magenta, Cyan, and Yellow Playdough. Come and join the fun!
Participant(s): Madame M,
MED 03: INSIDE TREK -- A Behind-the-Scenes Star Trek Slide Show
Begins: Sunday 2:00 PM
Location: Suite A
Susan Sackett, former assistant to Gene Roddenberry, takes you "behind
the scenes" of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" and the movies!
Participant(s): Susan Sackett,
SCI 08: Electronic Books
Begins: Sunday 2:00 PM
Location: Suite E
Will they replace regular books, or just augment them? Who really
reads them? How can e-book readers be made easier to use? Are
there better ways to pay for your e-books?
Participant(s): David Lee Summers (moderator),
Randall Whitlock, Mike Willmoth
MED 01: Filmmakers Unplugged - the Lack of Infrastructure for Movie-Making
in Phoenix
WARNING - This is a Roundtable Discussion
Begins: Sunday 3:00 PM
Location: Demo - Room 2003
Roundtable discussions are forums where our con attendees can voice
their opinion on a variety of subjects. This is YOUR chance to speak out
about what needs to be done to support local filmmaking. Arizona
Filmmaker Andy Rodriguez moderates con attendees and program participants
in a lively discussion of what resources we have, and do not have for filmmaking
Participant(s): Andy Rodriguez,
Lep 03: Compliments and Complaints
Begins: Sunday 4:00 PM
Location: Suite E
Did you like what happened at this Con? Come tell us what you want
to see continued. Know something that could be done better? Come volunteer
to help make it happen -- the more you help, the better our conventions
will be. Your Committee will be on hand,
Participant(s): Shahn Cornell, Bruce Farr