LepreCon 30 Guests
Donato is a Chesley Award-winning artist (‘96, ‘98, ‘01, ‘02), who’s works
have graced the covers of an untold number of books, including The Voyage,
Queen of Demons, Servant of the Dragon, Dogs of War, Mistress of the Catacombs,
and Goddess of the Ice Realm by other GoH David Drake. Donato has done a lot
of Lord of the Rings themed art, and many Magic cards for WotC. He has also
done some commercial packaging work, about which Donato says, “In a fun departure,
I created all the art for the most recent release of the Stratego board game
(it’s redone every decade), one of my favorite childhood games. I used my
family as models for the game pieces, and if you buy the game, you can see
my two brothers, father, father-in-law, some friends and cousins as well
as myself (I’m the Colonel) decked out in authentic Napoleonic era uniforms.”
Donato's ISFDB Listing of his cover art
Author Guest of Honor: David Drake
David Drake sold his first story (a really bad Lovecraftian pastiche) to
August Derleth of Arkham House in 1966 while I was an undergraduate. He continued
to sell stories in law school, the army, and while working as an attorney.
In 1979 his first book, the military SF collection Hammer's Slammers, and
his first novel, The Dragon Lord (a swords and sorcery piece) were published.
In total he's written or co-written
over 50 books; edited or co-edited about thirty; done plot outlines for another
twenty-odd, the books themselves being written by other authors.
He's best known for his military SF, but that's never been more than about
a quarter of his output. While all his work has been in the fantasy/SF genre,
within these bounds he's written about everything except for romance--humor,
thriller, epic fantasy, S&S, military SF, space opera, historical (both
fantasy and SF).
David's ISFDB Listing
Special Artist Guest: John
(Sponsored by the United Federation of Phoenix)
Production designer John Eaves has had a major impact on the look of the
Star Trek universe since 1994. He has been responsible for creating many of
the props and ships for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and the Star Trek: The Next
Generation films, including the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E and Zefram Cochrane’s
Phoenix. Eaves was hired to work on Star Trek Generations, where he was responsible
for designing the Enterprise NCC-1701-B
from which James T. Kirk would meet his (first)
John is currently the Senior Illustrator for Star Trek: Enterprise.
Take a look at some of John's Production Art at StarTrek.com
Local Artist Guest of Honor
Sylvana Anderson-Gish
She is a sculptress who does not limit herself
to just clay... she also expresses her artistic abilities in music, photography,
textiles, clothing design, basketry, painting and many more such mediums;
some for which she has won national awards. As a spiritualist, Sylvana feels
that “...art is the spirit made visible.”
USS Arizona Memorial at Glendale Public Library
Music Guest:
Mara Brener
(sponsored by the Phoenix
Filk Circle)
In 1984
the Breners attended their first science fiction convention, LACon II in
Anaheim, where they chanced upon the word ‘filksinging’ on the schedule.
They spent most of the rest of the con in that room, discovering they had
been filking long before they knew was it was. At the same time, Mara was
also, via cassette, making her debut on KPFK Radio’s occasional “Smut Unlimited”
program, with a six-hour hit song that you will only hear if you catch the
midnight bawdy songs circle.