Welcome to the LepreCon 30
Paypal Payment Page
Pre-Registration has ended for
Leprecon 30. We will accept payments at the full at the door rate of
$40 adult/$20 kid through May 2nd.
NOTE: If buying multiple memberships,
please use the Multiple memberships option for paying.
You can use the link below to
pay or go directly to Paypal and send payment to paypal @ leprecon.org address. Please
be sure to include your shipping address so that we have your contact information.
Use the paypal comment field for any comments or questions or email us if you need to send us more
inforamtion than paypal collects/
Use the above Link to Pay
for a single Adult Membership for $40
Use the above Link to Pay
for an individual Kids Membership for $20
Use the above Link to Pay
for an Multiple Memberships at the $40 dult rate/$20 Kids rate or for
other payments.
Please use the comment field for all names and associated Badge