Program Participants
Scheduled for LepreCon 30 include:
Artist Guest of Honor Donato Giancola
Author Guest of Honor David Drake
Artist Guest of Honor John Eaves
Local Artist Guest of Honor
Sylvana Anderson-Gish
Music Guest Mara
Barry Bard
" " Normally ebullient
and enthusiastic, Barry Bard is silent about his accomplishments and contribution
to fandom in Arizona and around the world. He brings us an overflowing
freebee table and movie previews and much more. If (who are we kidding
when) you stop by his dealer's table he always seems to have just what
you are looking for. We hope he knows just how much he is appreciated by
AZ fandom!
Frances Burns
" " Frances Burns has
been active in costuming for over 15 years. It is rumored that she popped
into this world naked, clutching a portable sewing machine and proceeded
to design her own diapers. Frances has been altering and fitting patterns
for family and friends since grade school, perfecting the art of clothing
making for real-world bodies. Her neighborhood seamstress - who was trained
in French Quebec in Couture sewing - mentored her, giving Frances an eye
for detail construction, fit, and quality that is rare in fan costuming.
She approaches the design and production of costumes as actual clothing
- not props to be used once or twice.
Mike Cassidy
" " Mike has been attending
conventions since the first one he attended at the Del Webb tower in the
middle of Phoenix in 1976. He is a former Marine ( OORAH !!!) who rebuilds
carburetors blindfolded, builds computers with out using instruction manuals
and makes scale models with such excruciating detail that most people cry
out "You MUST be CRAZY!". Mike currently spends most of his days maintaining
and repairing equipment that tests little pieces of silicon impregnated
with various kinds of metal oxides for a major multinational company. He
has been seen recently at the Velavision corporate office at "The Big Building
Plaza" in Dyptheria, AZ in high level talks with the Velavision board of
Liz Danforth
Since starting out around 1978, I have
freelanced art, editing, writing, and scenario design to some 100 different
game and publishing companies, notably Wizards of the Coast, Bantam Books,
TSR, AEG, Mage Knight, FASA, ICE, GDW, Interplay, EA, DAW, and more than
I've even kept track of. In 1996 I was inducted into the Academy of Gaming
Arts and Design's Hall of Fame.
Outside the publishing industry, I've done such work that comes my way and
interests me. The Arizona Science Center and Phoenix Public Library had me
do some small pieces for their Satellite Science program. I enjoy creating
Cardigan and other dog art. Southwestern themes appeal because I'm a desert
rat (raised and resident in Arizona) and those images tie back nicely to my
anthropology background. Celtic designs attracted me decades(!) before they
became trendy.
Michele Ellington
First, a brief introduction. We
moved a lot when I was growing up, but I ended up here in west Texas and
here I will likely stay. When I was a kid I wanted to grow up to be
a giraffe. After my dad broke the bad news that this wasn't in the
cards for me, I moved on to wanting to be a musketeer or a superhero.
Again, not in the cards. I segued from adventure classics and comics
to science fiction, and from there to fantasy and horror. I have always
been a doodler, but have only become serious about art over the past few
years. In my day job I work for local government, stretching tax dollars
to improve the lives of low income folks. I share my home with two
Great Danes (Merlin and Topaz), a former street cat (Gypsy), a couple of
former farm cats (Harlequin and Jasmine), and a desert tortoise that dug under
the fence and appears equally likely to stay.
Robert Farrell
Robert E. Farrell recently retired as Associate Professor Emeritus from Penn
State University. During his fifteen years there, he was a professor of engineering.
Prior to entering academia, Dr. Farrell was in industry designing capital
machinery for the plastics industry.
For most of his life, Dr. Farrell has been interested in UFOlogy. Ten years
ago, he began doing serious research for his newly released book, Alien Log.
He believes good science fiction is soundly based on good science. To that
extent, Dr. Farrell is trying to follow the style of Michael Crichton (Andromeda
Strain, Jurassic Park, and many others) and Arthur C. Clarke in his Odyssey
series. In addition to this first novel, he has written numerous technical
papers and articles for the plastics industry and three science fiction short
stories that are included in an anthology, Sonoran Mirage, published by the
Writer’s Round Table of Phoenix.
Since retiring from Penn State University, Dr. Farrell and his wife live
in Peoria, Arizona where he is now working on other short stories and novels,
including a sequel to Alien Log.
Joseph Formichella
" Joseph Formichella
is co-Director/Producer/Editor for "Finding the Future: A Science Fiction
Conversation", a feature-length documentary shot mostly at Chicon in 2000.
The film is slated for release this summer, we will have a preview at this
year’s Leprecon. In addition to FINDING THE FUTURE, a feature-length documentary,
Joseph Formichella has also written and produced an ultra-low budget feature
called WHISPERS, which was shot last spring and is currently in post production.
It's a sort of Blair Witch Project meets MTV's Real World. Mr. Formichella
has been a screenwriter for about 15 years, and has taught screenwriting at
Scottsdale Community College since 1998. Joe Formichella was a contributing
editor for Computer Buyer Magazine, and has built and networked his own home
computer network.
Susan Gleason
Dr. Arizona received her doctorate in
Archaeology from UCR in 2001. Her business, Phoenix Obsidian Designs,
provides educational teaching materials related to aspects of primitive technology
as well as assisting in museum display development. She has also pursued
award winning artistic endeavors into traditional flintknapping - the art
of producing stone tools such as arrowheads. This art has been shown
at a multitude of science fiction conventions and has been recognized by
her being Artist GOH at LaLaCon this year. Susan has also been involved
in working conventions for more than ten years and currently chairs an annual
Craft Fair at the LASFS. She will be Science GOH next February at Radcon
in Washington State.
Mark Greenawalt
Mark Greenawalt
is an award-winning artist who has evolved to painting on living canvases.
From liquid latex swimsuits to airbrushed murals, Greenawalt blurs the boundaries
between art and photography as an accomplished body painter. His final
images are more than documentation snapshots of what he painted -- more
like professionally composed photographs of beautiful models whose surroundings
compliment their painted skin. The photograph, after all, is the final
product once the bodypainting has long since washed away. Mark's work has
been featured in numerous magazines, on television, and at live demonstrations
for various art groups. Born and raised in Pennsylvania, he now makes his
home in Phoenix, Arizona.
Byur Gullwing
Byur Gullwing is the lifecast
sculptor at images in Depth. He was born in San Francisco, but is almost a
native of Arizona since he moved here at the age of six months. Gullwing attended
the University of Arizona in Tucson, where he received his Bachelor’s degree
in Mechanical Engineering. While working in the field of aerospace engineering,
he studied sculpture at the Scottsdale Artists’ School.
Inspired by a photograph of the lifecast of Whoopi Goldberg that was done
by Willa Shallit, he turned from sculpture to lifecasting in 1996.
Special Presentation by Byur Gullwing
and Mark Greenawalt
THE ARTFORM OF LIFECASTING - This is a live step-by-step presentation of
the process of creating a mold of a nude model and then creating an incredibly
detailed plasterer casted "clone" of her figure. Accomplished lifecaster
Byur Gullwing (
will walk attendees through each phase of a project as he creates a lifecast
of model Kayla Rei (
Body artist Mark Greenawalt will also be on hand to do a live demonstration
of "bodypainting" a completed lifecast. Several completed lifecasts
will be on display and a drawing will be held for a beginner's lifecasting
kit from Must be 18 years or older to attend with
proper ID.
Hugh S. Gregory
an avid Spaceflight Historian based in Vancouver Canada, he has worked as
an Engineers' Surveyor, an Industrial Paramedic/E.M.T. (Industrial Ambulance
Officer) and managed his own Occupational Health and Safety Program consulting
service. He lectures occasionally in local schools on spaceflight history
and astronomy. Hugh owns and operates the H.R. McMillan Planetarium's
affiliated space and astronomy educational BBS "SpaceBase(tm)." Hugh has
produced (and sells) videos on "Voyager 2 at Neptune", "The Gas Planets",
"SSTO - The DC-X", "Soviet Space Disasters" and "The Flight Of Buran - The
Russian Shuttle Story". His slide/video shows have been appearing at Conventions
across North America and also overseas for over 12 years now. On weekends
he's a private pilot, amateur astronomer (Member RASC), cricket umpire,
and enjoys hiking in the Rockies with his wife Anne.
Bennie Grezlik
" " Currently seeking
a publisher for his completed Search For Earth trilogy, Bennie Grezlik's
credits include The Anthropic Cosmologist (short story-GateWay SF Magazine,
2002), The Wigglers ("More Stories That Won't Make Your Parents Hurl" anthology,
Yard Dog Press, 2003), Slouching Towards Bethlehem (short story-Black Petals
Magazine, 2002) and 22 years as a technical writer/trainer in the electric
power industry. He has been secretary of the Houston Writer's League, as
well as taught classes on the operation, maintenance and repair of power
control equipment all over North America and as far afield as China. When
not writing or teaching, Bennie tinkers with electronic projects such as
treasure detectors.
Lori Herrin
" " Lori Herrin started
Larping only 7 years ago but it has not stopped her from getting as involved
as possible. For three years she was a narrator for the valleys Rage Against
the Darkness, an ongoing independent Werewolf LARP that lasted a record
braking 5 years. 7th Sea was her most recent project but both of them have
more events coming. . .
Emily Hogan
" " Emily Hogan has
been a published author for sixteen years, writing under three pseudonyms.
Her short fiction has appeared in Asimov’s SF, the full spectrum Anthology,
and Aboriginal SF, whose readers voted her a Boomerang Award. She enjoys
studying many different fields including history, neurology, psychology
and mythology. As Emily Devenport, her novels include: Shade, Larissa, Scorpianne,
Eggheads, The Kronos Condition and Godheads. As Maggy Thomas, she wrote
the novel Broken Time, which was nominated for the Phillip K. dick Award.
And, as Lee Hogan, she has written the novels Belarus and Enemies.
Ernest Hogan
" " The reputation as
the international underground cult author of CORTEZ ON JUPITER and HIGH AZTECH
have caused a frenzy of critical acclaim for Ernest Hogan*s latest novel
SMOKING MIRROR BLUES. (What? You haven*t read it yet? Get in touch with the
folks at Wordcraft of Oregon < "> > right
away!) His fiction has appeared in AMAZING STORIES, LAST WAVE, NEW PATHWAYS,
SCIENCE FICTON AGE, ANALOG, and SPIDER. Look for "Pallocrat," a short film
based on his story "The Frankenstein Penis" on DVD in HELLCHILD: THE WORLD
OF NICK LYON. Most recently, "Burrito Meltdown," his light-hearted romp about
Chicano bioterrorism appeared in the anthology ANGEL BODY AND OTHER MAGIC
FOR THE SOUL (order that from Wordcraft while you*re at it), and soon, in
a bookstore near you, "Coyote Goes Hollywood," in which an ancient trickster
spirit plugs into the modern media, will be featured in WITPUNK, an anthology
from Four Walls Eight Windows.
Paula Suzanne Lary
" " Paula Suzanne Lary
does stained glass, photography, and costumes. She is secretary of the Southwest
Costumer's Guild, and an avid belly dancer.
Alice Massoglia
" " A 17 year veteran
on the SF&F book selling front, Alice has also worked at Staff or
Committee level for approximately a dozen regional or larger SF Conventions,
and about the same number of local SF Conventions. She is a part of the
group putting on Regency Dance events both locally and at other conventions
and is a member of one of the Baker Street Irregulars. Although living
in Los Angeles, Alice considers herself to be part of Arizona fandom.
Benjamin Massoglia
" " Part of the Massoglia
book-selling clan, Ben has been part of Phoenix fandom from an early age.
His current interests include collectible card games, computer games,
RPG's, LARP's, as well as science fiction and fantasy literature.
Marty Massoglia
" " A fan and purveyor
of fine science fiction and fantasy books for the last 17 years, Marty
can usually be found at the dealer's table but is also well known for teaching
regency, country and ballroom dancing at local conventions.
Kitty McDonald-Neal
Kitty McDonald-Neal
is an integral part of this convention’s programming team. Kitty is known
to fandom mostly for her involvement in convention programming, and also
for her decade-long VtM chronicle. Her other interests include genealogy,
cooking, camping, hiking, gaming and some costuming. Kitty is webmaster
for; and azGamers.INFO, among others.
She lives in Tempe with husband Rusty and has 2 grown kids, and two grandchildren.
Michael R. Mennenga (men-en-gay)
The Dragon Page
Michael R. Mennenga
(men-en-gay) began writing in the late 1980s. He spent several years submitting
manuscripts, talking with publishers, agents and learning the ins and outs
of the ever-changing publishing industry. Even though he remained unpublished,
he had become a proficient writer and by the end of 1995 he had written
2 young adult books, 1 novel, and had 9 other works in various stages of
production. In 1996 he turned his attention to writing for the Internet.
In 1998 he joined a developing writing community and was soon asked to become
part of the staff. Working with members, creating interesting assignments,
and developing writing lessons he became a valuable part of the community.
After only one year as a staff member he was asked to become its executive
editor - overseeing all operations of the growing community. During this
time the site received recognition from Writer's Digest and Forbes Publishing
before the release of his first book - Zac and the Valley of the Dragons
- (published on Xlibris Press) forced his resignation as editor in 1999.
His next book - Mistress of the Dragon - (Published AmErica House) was released
in 2001. His next book, The Valley of the Dragons: Dragon's Fire and Wizard's
Flame - (Published on Bedside Books) was released in 2002, and then re-released
as Dragon's Fire, Wizard's Flame - (Published by Dragon Moon Press) in 2003.
Michael and his
wife Lorrie are now residents of Phoenix Arizona. He is a member of The Arizona
Authors Association, Toastmasters Inernational and is a Book Crazy Author.
He is working full-time as an author and as host of his own Internet Radio
Talk Show called "The Dragon Page" ( Along with his co-host
Evo Terra, they broadcast worldwide on Internet radio stations, and in syndication
on many AM & FM stations throughout the US and Canada. The show features
interviews with Sci-fi / Fantasy authors, publishers, and artists - and they
discuss many other related Sci-fi topics, news, and events.
Henry Melton
Henry Melton has discovered
the joys of the SF Juvenile form (he's not really sure what YA means) and
is busily cranking out all the novels he wished were available when he was
in high school. You can see his publications at as
well as read several of his short stories there.
Robert D. Miles
Robert Miles is a television and motion
picture writer and producer with thirty years experience. He has written
and published numerous articles, and non-fiction stories. An avid adventurer,
Robert designed and built four sailing vessels, cruised to Hawaii, Baja Mexico,
and Honduras. Safespace is a manifestation of his personal extraterrestrial
D.L. Mullan
" " A native of the
Southwest, D.L. Mullan fondly remembers writing stories and poetry from
an early age as well as drawing unique abstractions. Later combining these
two art forms with technology, D.L. is the web engineer, graphic designer,
and webmaster of several professional and personal websites spanning many
years. Currently, D.L. exhibits her artistic endeavors in Charity Auctions
and Art Shows while speaking on panels of various subjects. D.L. holds
an A.A., A.G.S. and B.A. cum laude.
Adam Niswander
Adam Niswander is a science fiction (SF), fantasy, horror, young adult,
and mystery & thriller writer from Phoenix Arizona. He is the author
of: the Shaman Cycle novels - The Charm, The Serpent Slayers, and The Hound
Hunters - (Published by Integra Press ; Frank Wagner, Publisher,) as well
as The Sand Dwellers, (Published by Fedogan and Bremer, Philip Rahman, Publisher)
and The Repository, (Published by Meisha Merlin Publishing, Stephen Pagel,
Publisher.) Other hats he has worn include those of book dealer (Adam’s Bookstore
on, former president (14 terms) of The Central Arizona Speculative
Fiction Society (CASFS), CASFS Board, frequent guest at science fiction conventions
and member of both SFWA and HWA.
G. David Nordley
" G. David Nordley (pen name of Gerald
David Nordley) is a retired Air Force major. He is an astronautical engineer
with 40 published works of short fiction, an electronic book collection (After
the Vikings with, and a science column for Speculations
magazine. Besides writing, he does some astronautical
engineering consulting work, dabbles in real estate, sings in the choir of
the Unitarian Universalist Church in Livermore and is the treasurer of CONTACT,
Cultures of the Imagination, an interdisciplinary educational group concerned
with issues related to the development of intelligent life from raw planets
to cultural contacts. British Interplanetary Society; member of the American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and a member of SFWA.
Janeen O'Kerry
Seven fantasy romance
novels published by Dorchester Publishing/Leisure Books, with two more to
come. She also run a professional critique service at
Mary Linda Rapelye
Ever since this beauty was five years
old she knew she wanted to act. It's the story of this adventurous pioneer
girl who in a Frontier Pageant, at the Starlight Theatre in Kansas City jumped
off the stage, and into her Daddy's arms in front of a crowd of 10,000 people.
When she was young her grandfather was a lawyer for MGM, and her mother had
been offered a screen test. Her grandfather did not allow it. But when Mary
Linda was bitten by the acting bug her family was quite supportive. Through
prep school she won trophies for Drama, was in the glee club, and was elected
president of the theatrical society. After getting a BA in theatre arts at
the University of Kansas she moved on to do a theatrical tour all through
Europe. She came back, and her picture was in a local talent agency's book
in Kansas City her home town... Which was also where In Cold Blood (1967)
was being shot. Richard Brooks saw her picture and said that this is the
most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was cast as the role of Susan
Kidwell. Richard Brooks, the director for this movie, did 40 takes for each
scene he did, so originally Mary Linda was in more scenes than you can count.
After this she was on a roll. She was a series regular in the ER of its day,
"Medical Center", played Gregory Peck's daughter, in the Sci Fi film, Marooned
(1969), had a guest-starring role on "Ironside", and played the Infamous
role of Irina, Pavel Chekhov’s beautiful, tricky, space hippie girlfriend
in the Star Trek episode, "The way to Eden".
After a 7 year absence from film and TV, Mary Linda was back in the 1979
mini series, "Blind Ambition" (1979) (mini) playing Sen. Baker's wife. She
was in CA filming that, when she met up with some ABC talent scouts. After
meeting up with them, they wanted to give her the screen test for the role
of Faith Kipling on the soap "One Life to Live" (1968). She nailed it, and
was given the role. She left, to go to "As the World Turns" (1956) and played
the beautiful Maggie Crawford for 5 years. Now living in Maine, Mary Linda
continues to accept acting roles filming most recently a role in the new remake
of the Manchurian Candidate.
Cary Riall
" " Cary Riall is a
long-time program participant and master of ceremonies. When not at Cons
(which if you think of it, is most of the time), he is an avid scuba diver,
traveler, and devote of all things medieval (particularly if they're sharp
or flung). He pays for these hobbies as an instructor of advanced software
development processes.
James Reade
James Reade
is the founder of RipRoarin' Comics, publisher of Marked by the Beast and
Blood and Sunder. His other talents include drawing caricatures, creating
airbrushed Tshirts and more. Credits include Doctor What, Torg, Marked by
the Beast, Blood and Sunder, The Eternal Soldier, Big Bertha, The Side Hill
Muckets, and Troley Man. Check out his RipRoarin' Comics webpage for many
samples of his art.
Robert Ross
Robert Ross
has been drawing for most of his life, and since displaying at a convention
for the first time in 1994, his artwork has been a fixture at most of the
local conventions. He has amassed a lovely collection of ribbons from
those conventions. He started doing computer art in the late 90’s and has
won over 20 awards for his work in that medium, including the international
InDepth Arts 'Tomorrow's Masters' competition in which he placed 8th place.
He also held first place at the online Renderosity forum (over several thousand
other entries) for many months.
Michael A. Stackpole
N.Y. Times Best Selling Science Fiction & Fantasy Author of Star Wars
Novels I, Jedi, Dark Tide: Onslaught, Dark Tide: Ruin, the X-Wing novel series,
many Dark Horse Star Wars comics, plus The Dark Glory War, Talion: Revenant,
Shadowrun: Wolf & Raven, & Once a Hero, Fortress Draconis, Ghost War
(Mechwarrior Dark Age #1) & When Dragons Rage.
He started his career writing role playing games for Flying Buffalo games
and in 1997 wrote the Warriors trilogy for the FASA Battletech novel line,
giving him his break into the world of novel writing. Since then,
he’s written many novels in the BattleTech universe, the Star Wars universe
(including the popular line of Rogue Squadron novels) plus several fantasy
novels including the current DragonCrown War fantasy series. |
Evo Terra
Dragon Page
" " Evo Terra, musician
and herbalist, has been involved in writing and audio production since 1987.
His love of music started as a child, playing guitar and percussion then
centering on the bass guitar in his mid-twenties. Recently, he spent time
as a semi-professional bass guitarist, touring with a ska punk band (Spaz
Kitty). He left the band to focus on his radio work and to concentrate on
his own original compositions.
Evo has been studying herbs since his 1997 arrival in Arizona. Fascinated
by the natural world from a young age, he discovered an affinity for native
plant species and how indigenous cultures made use of these plants. Chance
readings went on to professional and formalized training. Evo has studied
with some of the region's finest herbalists, including Mimi Kamp, Peter
Bigfoot and his mentor, Joanne Sanchez. He has recently founded A Simpler
Way, dedicated to herbal education, wildcrafting and holistic health care.
In his limited freetime, Evo enjoys the natural wonders of Arizona with
his wife of many years, and their son. As a personal suggestion, Evo strongly
encourages each of you to read the book Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn.
Larry Vela
Larry Vela is
a custom painter first known for his work on motorcycles, planes, trucks,
then people, and anything that doesn't run away. His keen interest in
movie production and all of the arts that are connected with it - such
as creation of costumes and props, filming, directing, editing and animation,
have led Larry and his associates to form The Velavision Video Group, who
produce LepreCon's at-con video newsreels. Larry's notable flat art works
include Illusion, Casseiopia, Roadwarrior, and Athena.
Ronald Walker
Ron Walker Productions is an award winning
sole proprietorship, owned and operated by Ron Walker. Established
in 1974, Ron Walker Productions provides production services, from as simple
as sound recordings, to full and complete film and video production, from
script to final distribution format. It has provided such complete services
for such clients as Ramada Inns, Club Med, and Interlink/Visa to name a few.
Producing the full gamut from commercials, through industrials, to entertainment,
Ron Walker Productions has won awards from such prestigious organizations
as the Smithsonian Institution, an Emmy, several Addys, and was a Cleo finalist.
Ron Walker Productions not only continues to produce custom films and videos
for specialized objectives, he also has taught the nuts and bolts of film
making at Scottsdale Community College and now teaches at Arizona State University.
Michelle M. Welch
Her first novel, Confidence Game, was
published in October 2003. The project grew out of almost fifteen years of
work, and it is the fifth novel manuscript she wrote. The Bright and
the Dark is forthcoming from Bantam Spectra in August 2004. Prior to
writing novels, she wrote short stories in a magical-realism style.
She also has a background in music and has played various instruments with
several musical groups.
Lee Whiteside
Lee Whiteside
is our local SFTV guru with the long running SF Tube Talk column in ConNotations,
The Magrathea/SFTV Web Page ( and associated mailing lists.
Chair of LepreCon 28, Lee is a software Engineer/Lan Administrator in his
spare time.
Randall Whitlock
Randall Whitlock
- is a registered geologist with background in Meteorites, AZ geology, and
environmental assessments. He also operates "MoiRandall's," a custom costume
and desktop clothing pattern publishing business (the "Randwulf's" line
of historical/fantasy sewing patterns) and edits the "Costume Closet" column
in CONNOTATIONS and CACTUS NEEDLES, the newsletter of the Southwest Costumers
Guild. Currently president of the Southwest Costumers Guild, fandom knows
him for the costumes he builds for convention masquerades and occasional
service as Masquerade director. Randy claims to suffer from chronic Paronomasia--the
compulsion to make the worst pun possible at the worst possible time.
David Williams
Dr. David A. Williams,
Ph.D., is currently serving as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the
Department of Geological Sciences at Arizona State University, Tempe. He
has served as a Visiting Assistant Professor at ASU, teaching Geology 101
and a graduate seminar in Planetary Volcanology during the 2001-2002 academic
year. David is currently performing research in volcanology and planetary
geology, with a focus on remote sensing and computer modeling studies.
His research has included computer modeling of seismic wave propagation
through planetary interiors, visible and near-infrared spectroscopy of lunar
mare soils, and computer modeling of the thermal, fluid dynamic and geochemical
evolution of low-viscosity lava flows in a variety of planetary environments.
He is currently an affiliate member of the Solid-State Imaging Team of NASA's
Galileo Mission to Jupiter, and has been involved in mission planning, image
processing, and data analysis of the Jovian satellites Io, Europa, Ganymede,
and Callisto. He is also involved in education/public outreach activities
including giving talks to school and civic groups and developing Galileo-related
educational exercises and slide sets. David received his Bachelor of Science
in Astronomy & Astrophysics (with minors in Mathematics and Geology)
from Indiana University in 1989, and his Master of Science in Geology from
Arizona State University in 1992. He received his Ph.D. in Geology from the
University of Alabama in August 1998. He was a three-time Graduate Council
Research Fellow and received the award for Outstanding Research by a Doctoral
Student from the University of Alabama Graduate School in 1998. His dissertation
research focused on computer modeling of the emplacement of high-temperature,
low-viscosity komatiite lava flows in the Earth's Precambrian, and included
field study of komatiite lava channels and flows in Canada, Western Australia,
and South Africa. He has published many papers in scientific journals on
subjects related to volcanology and planetary geology. David is a former
president of the United Federation of Phoenix, the second longest continuously
running Star Trek and general science fiction fan club in the country. He
is an avid fan of Star Trek and Star Wars, and several other sci-fi TV shows
and movies.
Mike Willmoth
" " Mike is an integral
part of the programming team for this covention. He enjoys helping organize
and run conventions. He will be chairing the World Horror 2004 and World
Fantasy 2004 Conventions. His hobbies include amateur astronomy and ham
radio operation. Punster extraordinaire, he can cripple at 20 paces.