Video - Come Join us at the Video Room
for some Future Tech, but also a Lot of the Past and what could have been
the Future. This year is the 50th Anniversary of Godzilla and I for one am
celebrating the oldest movie franchise there in the world. Also on tap for
this weekend are TV episodes that never aired in this country but are on DVD
(just not in this country). and many more exciting programs. Ever wonder what
life could have been without that pesky meteor 65 million years ago?? Well,
here is actual scientific proof--It was on the Science Channel. It's 30 minutes
but SF Fans should appreciate this one is for real. Add top that a program
on why that pesky asteriod was so effective, so fast. It's a look at what
could have been the Future.There will be more, so come on by and see what
we have to offer. I am also a Professional Face & Bodypainter and room
space permitting I will have that going as well. See ya there....
Anime - LepreCon
30 will not be having an Anime room this year. We are looking at possibly
having some Anime screenings in function space or the video room if the schedule