ŠLeprecon, Inc. 2006
ASFA is the Association of Science Fiction & Fantasy Artists and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, educational corporation. ASFA was organized for artistic, literary, educational and charitable purposes concerning the visual arts of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mythology and related topics. The organization is dedicated to providing a communications link among its members, as well as providing helpful information and technical assistance.

Part of ASFA's purpose is to stimulate the public's interest in these areas of art. They're also there to encourage and develop amateur artistic talent, educate the public, publishers, patrons of the arts and anyone interested in works of these particular types of art and craftsmanship in the rights, needs and problems of the people involved in the creation of this material.

I can pretty much guarantee everyone who shows up will have a good time and plenty of opportunity to bid on and take home cool stuff. We'll have books galore, Space Science items, loads of signed photos of favorite TV actors, collectible art, and lots of movie memorabilia. Everything will be on display in the Art Show until the auction begins.

There will be Charity Auction Program Guides available at Registration. The auction will probably be scheduled on Saturday, so keep watching the Progress Reports or our website for an update.

See you at the Auction; don't forget your money. Bid often, bid high...

Lisa-Marie Quillen , Charity Auction Director
It is my pleasure to bring to all the members
a Charity Auction to benefit
100% of the proceeds will be given to this charity.