ŠLeprecon, Inc. 2006
LepreCon 32 Masquerade Ball
$40 thru 4/15/06,
$45 for the weekend
LepreCon 32
PO Box 26665 Tempe, AZ 85285
(480) 945-6890
Kids 7-12 half price,
Six and under Free with Adult Membership
Online Registration
Saturday night, 7-9pm
Come in Costume! Learn to Dance!
Have you ever wanted to wear a costume and have fun, but not wanted to get onstage and have "an act" for the Masquerade? Well, this year we are holding a Masquerade Ball early Saturday evening, instead of the usual Masquerade Contest, so you'll get your chance!
Put on any costume and/or mask, and Marty & Alice will teach us to dance. Regular fannish attire is acceptable, if you don't have a costume. There will hopefully be a Mask-making Workshop scheduled through Programming, so you may be able to make your own mask at the Con for a nominal fee. We'll also try to have simple masks available for purchase at the entrance to the Ball.
We'll also be setting up an area for photographers to take pictures, and we'll have some prizes (the judging will be informal, and no stage presenting or scripting will be needed).
If you have any questions or comments regarding this year's Saturday night Masquerade Ball, please contact Margaret Grady (602-796-1229) at mgrady@eigi.com.
Margaret Grady, Masquerade Director