©Leprecon, Inc. 2006
Participant Bios
Craig L. Dyer
Craig came to Arizona from New York in the mid '70s. Through a twist of fate, he became involved in the Society for Creative Anachronism where he is known as Lord Craig of the White Cliffs,. From the SCA it was a short trip to fannish activities. On Saturday evenings at conventions he can usually be found accompanied by several large, white, wooden ammunition chests, in which he keeps a generous supply of homemade vodka-based cordials. He combines the spirit of a vintner with the showmanship of a low-key P.T. Barnum, as he joyfully discusses the ingredients and watches the pleasure on the faces of his (new and long-held) fannish friends. Currently he is teaching the art of cordial making through bi-monthly classes held at his home. Fannishly, he has chaired CopperCon 19 (1999), HexaCon 10 (2000), HexaCon 12 (2002) as well as ConKopelli, the 2004 Westercon. Additionally he is the webmaster and keeper of the database and co-editor of ConNotations for CASFS, a member of AniZona, and a founding member of WesternSFA. In the real world he is a highly proficient computer tech for the Maricopa County Community College district, an ardent player/collector of collector card games, owned by numerous cats, dogs, ferrets, turtles, rabbits and birds, and hailed as a generally pleasant fellow.
Michele Ellington
Michele Ellington is a bureaucrat by day and an artist, medievalist, a role-player, and board gamer by night. She has done many years of costuming and won a WorldCon level award, has been selling art for at least ten years and have sold it at WorldCons in Glasgow and Melbourne, where she won Best Amateur or something like that. She likes to try her hands at every kind of art she come across. She believes how well she does is far less important than the enjoyment and learning she take away from trying new things. She has been active in fandom for some years now as a costumer, artist, videophile, otaku, gamer, filker and all around fen.
Bruce Farr is a book and art collector, and former collector of convention positions. He's the past chair of a NASFiC, SMOFCon, CopperCon, World Fantasy Convention, SFRA Conference, and has held over 120 convention positions over the years (mostly vertical) including Treasurer and/or Hotel Liaison for about 12 past LepreCons. CPA by profession, Bruce is married to Lea Farr who is Program Director for next year's convention.
Bruce Farr
Michael Fett
Michael is a member of TARDIS
Maryeileen Flanagan
Maryeileen Flanagan has been a writing teacher and technical writer for roughly twenty years. Maryeileen has a number of published works (outside F/SF/H). She believes that the SF/F community leads the way in "predicting" the social and psychological impact of our political and scientific decisions.
In the mid-1990s Gilead did illustrations (mostly pen and ink) for various role playing games, magazines and fanzines. Since then he has been making a living as a muralist and signpainter
Jeff George
Jeff is a member of both CASFS and United Federation of Phoenix.
Mark Greenawalt
Mark Greenawalt is an award-winning artist who has evolved to painting on living canvases. From liquid latex swimsuits to airbrushed murals, Greenawalt blurs the boundaries between art and photography as an accomplished body painter. His final images are more than documentation snapshots of what he painted -- more like professionally composed photographs of beautiful models whose surroundings compliment their painted skin. The photograph, after all, is the final product once the bodypainting has long since washed away. Mark's work has been featured in numerous magazines, on television, and at live demonstrations for various art groups. Born and raised in Pennsylvania, he now makes his home in Phoenix, Arizona.
David Gish
David is the son of special honored guest Ray Gish and Art Show director heir-apparent.
Hugh S. Gregory
Professionally an avid Spaceflight Historian based in Vancouver Canada, he has worked as an Engineers' Surveyor, an Industrial Paramedic/E.M.T. (Industrial Ambulance Officer) and managed his own Occupational Health and Safety Program consulting service. He lectures occasionally in local schools on spaceflight history and astronomy. Hugh owns and operates the H.R. McMillan Planetarium's affiliated space and astronomy educational BBS "SpaceBase(tm)." Hugh has produced (and sells) videos on "Voyager 2 at Neptune", "The Gas Planets", "SSTO - The DC-X", "Soviet Space Disasters" and "The Flight Of Buran - The Russian Shuttle Story". His slide/video shows have been appearing at Conventions across North America and also overseas for over 12 years now. On weekends he's a private pilot, amateur astronomer (Member RASC), cricket umpire, and enjoys hiking in the Rockies with his wife Anne.
Bennie Grezlik
Currently seeking a publisher for his completed Search For Earth trilogy, Bennie Grezlik's credits include The Anthropic Cosmologist (short story-GateWay SF Magazine, 2002), The Wigglers ("More Stories That Won't Make Your Parents Hurl" anthology, Yard Dog Press, 2003), Slouching Towards Bethlehem (short story-Black Petals Magazine, 2002) and 25 years as a technical writer/trainer in the electric power industry. He has been secretary of the Houston Writer's League, as well as taught classes on the operation, maintenance and repair of power control equipment all over North America and as far afield as China. When not writing or teaching, Bennie tinkers with electronic projects such as treasure detectors.
Dawn Grigsby
Dawn is a member of United Federation of Phoenix.
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Joseph Formichella
Joseph Formichella is a writer, editor, and producer of videos and films. He is the producer and editor of the documentary Finding the Future: A Science Fiction Conversation. His most recent work is Sofa Wars, a short film that was screened at the 2005 Phoenix Film Festival.
Pinky Gish
Pinky is the widow of Special Honored Guest Ray Gish. While not a fan, she is recognizable from her years of assisting Ray as staff in the Art Show.
Emily Hogan
Emily Devenport has been a published author for sixteen years, writing under three pseudonyms. She is currently working on a Young Adult Fantasy with her husband, artist/writer Ernest Hogan. Her inspiration come from classical music, SF movies and TV (past and present), comic books, folk tales and mythology, gardening, cooking, and an interest in neurology, criminology, psychology, anthropology, history, and science. Her short fiction has appeared in Asimov’s SF, the full spectrum Anthology, and Aboriginal SF, whose readers voted her a Boomerang Award. As Emily Devenport, her novels include: Shade, Larissa, Scorpianne, Eggheads, The Kronos Condition, and Godheads. As Maggy Thomas, she wrote the novel Broken Time, which was nominated for the Phillip K. Dick Award. And, as Lee Hogan, she has written the novels Belarus and Enemies.
Ernest Hogan
Ernest Hogan has done cartoons, illustrations, and magazine covers as well as published many short stories and some novels. His interests include finding and studying weird facts, behavior, and entertainment. His reputation as the international underground cult author of CORTEZ ON JUPITER and HIGH AZTECH have caused a frenzy of critical acclaim for Ernest Hogan's latest novel SMOKING MIRROR BLUES. (What? You haven't read it? Get in touch with the folks at Wordcraft of Oregon right away!) His fiction has appeared in AMAZING STORIES, LAST WAVE, NEW PATHWAYS, PULPHOUSE, SEMIOTEXT(E), PENTHOUSE HOT TALK, PROUD FLESH, THE RED DOG JOURNAL, SCIENCE FICTON AGE, ANALOG, and SPIDER. Look for "Pallocrat," a short film based on his story "The Frankenstein Penis" on DVD in HELLCHILD: THE WORLD OF NICK LYON. Most recently, "Burrito Meltdown," his light-hearted romp about Chicano bioterrorism appeared in the anthology ANGEL BODY AND OTHER MAGIC FOR THE SOUL (order that from Wordcraft while you're at it), and soon, in a bookstore near you, "Coyote Goes Hollywood," in which an ancient trickster spirit plugs into the modern media, will be featured in WITPUNK, an anthology from Four Walls Eight Windows.