LepreCon 33 Dealers Room
This year’s Dealers’ Room will be filled with new and used books, jewelry, great t-shirts, costumes and accoutrements, filk tapes, art prints, gadgets, toys, games, collectibles, and maybe stuff that hasn’t even been thought up yet. You're sure to find something you'll want to take home.
Folks who want to sell merchandise will be located in our Dealers Room. Next to the Art Show in Ballroom D we’ll have around 3000 square feet, or room enough for about 30 tables. Tables will be 6’x2.5’ and come with two cloths (one for the table and one for your merchandise) as well as two banquet chairs. Some locations will offer a wall and some won’t. If you absolutely need a wall, please specify that in your completed paperwork. First, download Dealer's Room form
here then please contact us at
dealers@leprecon.org or
and we’ll send you the Dealers Packet containing everything you’ll need to know. If you need power to your table, then the good news is that power is complimentary; however, you’ll need to supply your own extension cord and power strip unless you plan to rent them from the hotel. Don’t forget the gaffers tape to secure the cords to the carpeting and not damage them (included with the hotel equipment rental, of course). Outside phone lines for credit card machines can also be ordered from the hotel for a fee per day. You know the routine.
Tables are $70 per table, two tables maximum, and come with one attending membership in addition to one dealers pass. The former is needed to attend anything else at the convention; the latter is all you will need to access the dealers room and can be upgraded to full attending for half the current rate. A current list of confirmed dealers will be on our website as they confirm.
See you there.
Jane & Scott Dennis,
Dealers’ Room,
LepreCon 33