In remembrance of Barry Bard and Ray Gish, and to celebrate her daughter, Nicole Snyder, overcoming cancer, LepreCon 34 chair Liz Hanson has selected the American Cancer Society to be the beneficiary of the LepreCon 34 Charity Auction.

To make things more interesting, this year’s auction will be a silent auction. As usual, items will be located in the art show on Friday thru Saturday morning, but this time bid sheets will be attached. On Saturday afternoon everything will be moved to another room for the final countdown. Bidding will close on items at set intervals and the last bid will win the item. In addition, several auctioneers have agreed to be available in case anyone needs help bidding.

— Cathie Yankovich

Below is a sampling of the items that will be for sale at the LepreCon 34 Charity Auction:

An original drawing by GOH Liz Danforth
Puzzles with artwork by Janny Wurtz – signed!

Stephen Baxter – Time’s Tapestry Book Two – Conquerer
David Drake – Master of the Cauldron – advance uncorrected copy, signed

Comics and Magazines
3 issues of Anime Insider
Assorted Angel, Buffy, and Serenity magazines and comics
Collectible comics including Howard the Duck #25, Curse of the Weird #1, Captain America #160 and many others.

An assortment of new RPGs including Helsing, The Slayers, and Authority
Unopened box games including Strat-Gem and Munchkin I
Genuine Dungeons and Dragons 25th Anniversary dice
Lord of the Rings tradeable miniatures starter set NIB
And much, much more!

Gift Certificates
Book Gallery
JB’s Family Restaurant
2 memberships to AniZona
And others!

2 original necklaces, hand-strung by Doreen Webbert
Bling from Trash City Beads

Media Collectibles
4 different Buffy the Vampire Slayer calendars
Huge theater banner for 30 Days of Night

2008 Japanese Space Agency Calendar
Original NASA publications – Viking Orbiter Views of Mars and This Island Earth

2 pairs of traditional Japanese sandals
Japanese covered black and gold lacquer box. Perfect for storing your treasures.
Munchkin Lovely Loot t-shirt – XXL
A lovely cape, donated by the Southwest Costumer’s Guild

Be sure to check out the rest of our offerings at the convention. Remember, this will be a silent auction. Bid early – and bid often!

Our thanks to those who have donated to the auction.

All About Comics


The Bent Cover

Book Gallery


Changing Hands Bookstore

Game Depot 3136 S. McClintock #11, Tempe, AZ 85282

Imperial Outpost Games

JB’s Family Restaurant - Christown

POP, The Soda Shop

Pop Culture Paradise 707 S Forest #A, Tempe, AZ 85281

Samurai Comics

Stalking Moon Comics and Collectibles

Southwest Costumers Guild

Trash City

Toy Anxiety

Elatha Designs

        Rocky Horror’s Come-as-you-are at Chandler Cinemas

Individual donors:
Cynthia Bullock
Rick Cook
Liz Danforth
Emily and Ernest Hogan
Doreen Webbert
Dr. David Williams


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