LepreCon 34 Film Festival Looking for the opportunity to have a place to show your independent science fiction, fantasy or horror movie or short film? Then welcome to the LepreCon film festival! All entries will be juried and if accepted will be notified that they are in. There is a $10.00 entry fee, however if you have a person who was part of the movie purchase a membership and be on hand to talk about the movie we will waive this fee. Our film room will use a digital projection system and will be capable of screening films on DVD or VHS. We will be giving three awards, one for best of show, best over three minutes (please, a maximum of 90 minutes) and best under three minutes. A jury will judge all of the entries. The movies will be shown several times so that the members of the convention can see them. When we have confirmed that you're in, we will list it on this LepreCon 34 website as one of the participants of the Festival. Entry deadline is April 27th 2008. For entry send inquiries to our main contact email (lep34 (at) leprecon.org ).