We'll have
many participants including artists, authors, scientists,
and other experts in their fields with discussion panels,
demonstrations, workshops, presentations and more. Below
is a preliminary list of participants with more to be added
along with their short biographies.
Sylvana Anderson-Gish
Len Berger
Tabitha Bradley
Cynthia Bullock
Mike Cassidy
Michele Ellington
Each day in which I created something has value, whether
it is cooking a fine meal, building a fence or making a work
of art. I love to share these works with others, and convention
art shows are exactly the right blend of learning, socializing
and sharing. Thanks to convention art shows I have been
able to sell art on four continents. When I think about
my art displayed in people’s homes all over the world, it
makes me feel like a little bit of me lives in all those
Maryeileen Flanagan began dictating stories in pre-school.
Her first major costume project was done in 3rd grade. An
avid reader, she quickly fell in love with speculative fiction.
After graduation from Texas A&M, she became a professional
costumer at ASU, then moved on to period horse costumes.
Later, while teaching HS English and science, she helped
create and publish the SF/F/H forum on Apple’s eWorld, and
also published a few articles. She currently lives on a Foundation
Appaloosa Ranch near Francisco Grande/this convention site.
The ranch gate is always open to anyone wanting to make
an appointment to visit “the kids.”
David Foster
Mark A. Greenawalt
Greenawalt is an award-winning artist who has evolved to painting
on living canvases. From liquid latex swimsuits to airbrushed
murals, Greenawalt blurs the boundaries between art and photography
as an accomplished body painter. His final images are more
than documentation snapshots of what he painted -- more like
professionally composed photographs of beautiful models whose
surroundings compliment their painted skin. The photograph,
after all, is the final product once the bodypainting has
long since washed away. Mark's work has been featured in numerous
magazines, on television, and at live demonstrations for various
art groups. Born and raised in Pennsylvania, he now makes
his home in Phoenix, Arizona. You can see some of Mark's
work at recent LepreCon's (33,
and other events on his press page (definitely
contains adult material)
Hugh S. Gregory
Bennie Grezlik's fantasy novel "The Ark of Arianna"
was released in April of 2007. The first book of his SF trilogy,
"Gate World," will be released by StoneGarden.net in
July of 2008. He also has to his credit a number of stories in
Yard Dog Press' Bubbas of the Apocalypse series and Sam's
DOT Publishing's Wondrous Web Worlds #6. He is also semi
notorious for his Skip Thruster, Space Detective plays at
ApolloCon every year
Adam Niswander
Adam Niswander is the author of the Shaman Cycle novels-
The Charm, The Serpent Slayers, The Hound Hunters, The War
of the Whisperers, and The Nemesis of Night. Also, The Sand
Dwellers, The Repository, and Golden Dreams. His short story
collection Blurring the Edges of Dream came out in 2004.
He lives in Phoenix with a couple of cats.
Gerald D. Nordley
G. David Nordley" is the pen name of Gerald D. Nordley,
an astronautical engineer and author of ˜60
works of published short fiction and non-fiction. He has
been a nebula and Hugo award finalist and has
won 4 Analog "Anlab" readers awards. His latest publication
is "Hell Orbit" in Visual Journeys from Hadley Rille
Books (2007).
Jim Strait
Cynthia Ward
Cynthia Ward lived in Maine, Spain, Germany, the San Francisco
Bay area, and the Seattle area before moving to Tucson. She
has published stories in Asimov's SF Magazine, Front Lines,
and other anthologies and magazines, and has written articles
and reviews for Amazing Stories, Locus Online, and other webzines
and magazines. She writes the monthly market-news e'newsletter
The Market Maven,
as well as The SFWA Bulletin's quarterly Market Report. With
Nisi Shawl, she has written the nonfiction guidebook Writing
the Other: A Practical Approach (Aqueduct Press), which is the companion
volume to their critically acclaimed fiction workshop, Writing
the Other: Bridging Cultural Differences for Successful Fiction.
Cynthia is completing her first novel, a romantic SF mystery
tentatively titled Stone Rain.
Lee Whiteside
Lee Whiteside has been keeping track of science fiction
and fantasy TV online since the early in 1980s, starting
with the Magrathea BBS and currently with SFTV.org. He’s
been writing about it ConNotations for over 15 years. He’s
also been involved heavily in Arizona fandom, having chaired
One Leprecon, two Coppercons, the 2006 Nebula Awards weekend
and the upcoming North American Discworld convention in 2009.
He is currently a Leprecon, Inc. board member.
Randall is an Environmental Geologist and recovering Meteoriticist
working in Phoenix. Randall is a part-time costumer, serving
as Webmonster and Newsletter Editor for Southwest Costumers
Guild and designing the Randwulf’s line of sewing patters
for his MoiRandall’s renaissance faire business. Randall
will direct the masquerades at the upcoming CopperCon 28
in August 2008 and North American Discworld Convention in
September 2009.
David Williams
Dr. David A. Williams is a Faculty Research Associate in
the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State
University. He was involved with NASA's Magellan Mission
to Venus and Galileo Mission to Jupiter, and is currently
serving as an Associate Investigator on the ESA Mars Express
orbiter. He was a member of the Science Definition Team for
NASA's Jupiter System Observer mission in 2007, and currently
serves as a Steering Committee member of NASA's Outer Planets
Advisory Group. David is also the Secretary-Treasurer of
the Planetary Geology Division of the Geological Society of