Kids 7-12 $15,
with Adult Membership
Kids 6 & under Free,
with Adult Membership

Daily Rates
(at the door):
Friday $15
Saturday $30
Sunday $15


Rooms: $99 / night
Suites: $119 / night
S/D/T/Q + tax (including hospitality fee)

When booking your room, use this Hotel Booking Link
Call 1-800-266-9432

Registration Hours

Thursday 7- 9:00 PM
Friday 12- 8:30 PM
Saturday 9- 6:00 PM
Sunday 9-11:00 AM

Dealers Room Rules

  1. Dealer/Exhibitor Space will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis.
  2. Entry fees are $75 per table with a maximum of 2 tables per dealer/exhibitor. Each table includes 1 full membership and one Dealer’s Room only membership. If you wish to upgrade the DRO membership to a full attending membership it is half the current rate (currently $20.00, at the door $25.00). These are 6 foot tables and include 3 foot ease behind. If you have placement requests (wall, electricity access, another vendor you would like to be near/far away from,etc) please let us know as soon as possible. Please be aware that although we try to accommodate everyone sometimes this is not possible. Requests will be processed in order of paperwork received. If you need electricity please bring your own cords. Nothing may be attached to walls.
  3. Payment may be made by check (made out to LepreCon 39) or using the LepreCon 39 Paypal account. If you use Paypal please include a printed copy of your receipt with the paperwork.
  4. If you need to cancel your dealer space(s), cancellation by March 15th, 2013 will receive a full refund. After that date refunds will be at the discretion of the LepreCon 39 committee.
  5. Dealers/Exhibitors are responsible for all state and local licenses/fees/taxes resulting from sales.
  6. We are now offering a single, 1/16 page advertisement in the program book to each Dealer/Exhibitor. Artwork must be delivered to the Program Book committee no later than March 15, 2013.
  7. There will be no smoking in the Dealers Room, and the hotel prohibits outside food or drink.
  8. The committee has the right to refuse any dealer/exhibitor
  9. Please be aware that although we try to accommodate everyone sometimes this is not possible. Requests will be processed in order of paperwork received. If you need electricity please bring your own cords. Nothing may be attached to walls.
  10. The Convention does not allow the selling of "bootleg" merchandise. Any dealer found to be selling such merchandise will be asked to remove it from display in their booth during the show.
  11. Dealers may not play music, DVD's, movies, soundtracks, etc above the level of normal conversation. If neighboring dealers feel it is too loud or disrupting sales you will be asked to turn it down. Repeated offenses will result in the sound being turned off.
  12. Each dealer is responsible for their own insurance and their own goods. The dealer's room will be locked when the room is closed. Vendors assume entire responsibility and liability for loss, damages, & claims arriving out of injury or damage to Vendor's displays, stock, and other property brought upon the premises of the Marriot Mesa and shall hold harmless the Marriot Mesa and members of LepreCon 39, its agents, services, and employees from any and all such losses, damages and claims.
  13. Autograph Tables will be set up in the Dealer's Room, hopefully this will bring attendees in and also make it easier for dealers to have stock signed. If you are having a special event in your booth you must let us know.
  14. The Dealer’s Room will be open Friday, Saturday & Sunday.

LepreCon 39
is sponsored by LepreCon, Inc.
PO Box 26665, Tempe, AZ 85285
(480) 945-6890
Email us at
Last Update: April 24, 2013
Copyright 2012 LepreCon 39 - All Rights Reserved
Site Design by
Donald Jacques
Artwork by
PJ Hultstrand