Kids 7-12 $15,
with Adult Membership
Kids 6 & under Free,
with Adult Membership

Daily Rates
(at the door):
Friday $15
Saturday $30
Sunday $15


Rooms: $99 / night
Suites: $119 / night
S/D/T/Q + tax (including hospitality fee)

When booking your room, use this Hotel Booking Link
Call 1-800-266-9432

Registration Hours

Thursday 7- 9:00 PM
Friday 12- 8:30 PM
Saturday 9- 6:00 PM
Sunday 9-11:00 AM

LepreCon 39 Film Festival
Thursday, May 9, 2012
7pm to 11:30pm

Presented by Brick Cave Films and Apocalypse Later
Free and open to the public

Entry Form - Festival Dates, May 9-12, 2013


Each entry must be accompanied by a completed entry form. Entries must be submitted on DVD (Region 1) or Blu-Ray (Region 1). Foreign language work must be dubbed or subtitled in English. Please include a 3 line synopsis of your film. Please do not send press kits or any other print materials until they are requested by the festival staff.


As Leprecon is a festival celebrating the art of science fiction and fantasy, films in these genres will be weighted accordingly. The festival selection committee reserves the right to accept or decline any film into the festival.




Cost of shipping is the responsibility of the entrant. DVDs must be sent to the festival prepaid. C.O.D.'S will be refused. All DVD's/Blu-Rays must be labeled with the title of the entry, running time, and the name of the director. The festival cannot accept responsibility for damage or loss of materials while in transit.


Leprecon Film Festival c/o Brick Cave Books
PO Box 4411
Mesa, AZ 85211-4411
Please note: Do not use registered or certified mail. Use First class, Priority, Airmail or Media Mail.


All entries will be viewed by the selection committee. The Festival will make no cuts or changes. Festival selections will be announced on or around May 1, 2013. All entrants will be notified by email. Selected films will also be posted on our website. The festival does not pay rental fees for submitted work. If selected, exhibition format is Blu-Ray or DVD.


A festival jury will present awards to films and videos selected as best in category.


Submitted materials will not be returned. Do not send us masters, originals, your only copy, etc. Videos will not be returned. Although due care will be exercised, festival organizers cannot accept responsibility for lost or damaged submissions. DO NOT SEND self-addressed stamped envelopes for disc returns, we will not use them. Any questions? Please e-mail us at We will respond within 24hrs.

LepreCon 39
is sponsored by LepreCon, Inc.
PO Box 26665, Tempe, AZ 85285
(480) 945-6890
Email us at
Last Update: April 24, 2013
Copyright 2012 LepreCon 39 - All Rights Reserved
Site Design by
Donald Jacques
Artwork by
PJ Hultstrand