Kids 7-12 $15,
with Adult Membership
Kids 6 & under Free,
with Adult Membership

Daily Rates
(at the door):
Friday $15
Saturday $30
Sunday $15


Rooms: $99 / night
Suites: $119 / night
S/D/T/Q + tax (including hospitality fee)

When booking your room, use this Hotel Booking Link
Call 1-800-266-9432

Registration Hours

Thursday 7- 9:00 PM
Friday 12- 8:30 PM
Saturday 9- 6:00 PM
Sunday 9-11:00 AM

Mystery Dinner Theater

Come join us for the inaugural voyage of the Orbital Cruise Ship, Pot 'O Gold. Our 3 hour cruise launches from Leprecon at 7pm on May 11, 2013. Your dinner with the Captain will include your choice of one of two entrees as we tour the sights in Earth Orbit. For $40, come eat, and participate in the unfolding events of our Mystery Dinner Theater.

Our orbital path will take us near the International Space Station, , the Hubble Space Telescope, and the recently launched Bigelow Space Hotel. Explore the cosmos with us as you dine in comfort with the Captain, and honored Guests.

Seating is limited, reserve your space for dinner now!
Your Email
Recent News Releases:

Dateline April 2013 - In court today, an outburst by accused conspirator Gilligan Morrison of Spacelys Cogworks surprised all, and set a new tone for the upcoming launch of LepreCon, Inc's Pot 'O Gold orbital cruise liner. Mr. Morrison shouted that " ... the Pot 'O Gold would be a nugget of iron soon, despite your best efforts!" the FBI has declined comment on the ongoing investigation.

Dateline April 2013 - LepreCon, Inc announced today that the scheduled launch of their orbital tour ship, Pot 'O Gold, is on-time and on schedule for its May 11th launch. The organization, after several years of development, will launch their first orbital cruise liner on its maiden voyage of three hours from Mesa, Arizona. Ticket holders will be treated to dinner with a lineup of guests, including Author Jack McDevitt and Artist Ramond Swanland.

Dateline Jun 2012 - The two companies competing to provide services for the upcoming Leprecon Orbital Tour have settled out of court. Terms of the settlement have not been disclosed, but the settlement means that the scheduled launch of the orbital tour craft can resume for May 11, this year. In related news today, the investigation continues to widen in the Spacelys Gilligan Morrison sabotage conspiracy.

Dateline Apr 2012 - Spacelys Cogworks employee Gilligan Morrison has just been arrested on criminal charges in connection with the ongoing lawsuit between Jetson Gearworks and Spacelys Cogworks. Spacelys and Jetson legal teams were battling in the courts today as FBI agents arrested Mr. Morrison in his office. Mr. Morrison has been the technology director at Spacelys for nearly ten years. The district attorney's office has issued a statement that Mr. Morrison will face charges of conspiracy relative to a sabotage threat. The statement did not reveal the target of the threat.

Dateline Jan 2012 - Jetson Gearworks has filed suit in federal court to block the launch of the first orbital cruise liner next year. Jetson, who was the winning bidder for the engine design on the ship, has named Spacelys Cogworks in the suit. The suit alleges that Spacely engaged in corporate espionage in an effort to steal designs of the plasma drive to be used in the orbital space craft. Both companies' information officers declined comment for our report.

Dateline Mar 2011 - LepreCon, Inc announced in Phoenix today the winner of the contract to provide the new plasma drive engines for their orbital cruise liner. Chairman Mike Willmoth of LepreCon, Inc and George Michael of Jetson Gearworks signed their contract this morning, inking a deal that could be worth billions for Jetson. They, along with Spacelys Cogworks, have each been developing variations on a plasma rocket drive being eyed by LepreCon. Mr. Willmoth congratulated Mr. Michael offering his hand.

LepreCon 39
is sponsored by LepreCon, Inc.
PO Box 26665, Tempe, AZ 85285
(480) 945-6890
Email us at
Last Update: April 24, 2013
Copyright 2012 LepreCon 39 - All Rights Reserved
Site Design by
Donald Jacques
Artwork by
PJ Hultstrand