Anime Room
The Anime Room will be running one 24 hour track or newly-released titles, as well
as a second daytime track, featuring shoujo anime, lesser-known titles, as well as
older classics. We will be coordinating some events with T.H.E.M. (the people who
bring you T.H.E.M. Anime Reviews, at
Programming from THEM
Programming from T.H.E.M. at LepreCon 28
Interested in fanworks or anime? So are we. T.H.E.M., ASUs Science Fiction
and Fantasy Society, will be running programming and activities where you can:
* Argue the merits of your favorite anime with the folks at themanime.org, one of the top English-language anime review sites in the world
* See the coolest fanvids we could find
* Compete for our best anime-themed Masqerade costume prize
* Learn the ins and outs of fanfic
* Exercise your creativity in our dub-your-own anime and karaoke (we'll mock some live-action movies as well)
* Watch the anime that "everyone's already seen" and nobody shows anymore
* Admire the fan art in the Art Show...or hang your own and be admired yourself
Interested? Show up. Interested in helping out, or just have questions? Email us at leprecon@themonline.org. See you there!
Programming Schedule from THEM
Programming Schedule for the T.H.E.M. Room at LepreCon 28
Fan What? Intro to Fanworks
What are fanworks? What goes into creating one?
Why Don't You Create in Your Own Universe? Explaining Fanworks
The appeal of playing in someone else’s sandbox. Motivations, ethics, and the folk process.
THEM Anime Meet & Greet
Meet the editors and reviewers of the Internet’s premier English-language Anime review site.
Dub-Your-Own Live Action / Anime
We can dub better than this!
Sexuality and Relationships in Anime
Why Japanese schoolgirls can be in love with each other without being lesbians, how teachers can date students without being subject to Police songs or police action, when couple-swapping is acceptable, and other “revolutionary” ideas about love. ADULTS ONLY.
Lost in Translation: Hacking up Anime for American Audiences
Macross, Eskaflowne, Card Captor Sakura, and other anime you’ve seen… sort of.
Been There, Read That: Overused Fanfic Themes & Clichés
Trapped in a cabin in the woods with… well, everyone. Things overdone in every fandom.
I Wish I Knew What THAT Meant: Explaining Fanfic Terminology
Lemon? Slash? UCSL? OOC? AU? PWP? The language of fanfic writers.
Enough Japanese to Talk Anime
Shoujo? Shounen? Do I have to learn Japanese to have a conversation about anime?
Damn, That's Good: Characteristics of Good Fanfic
More than just not writing crap: producing good fanfiction.
Fan vids
Your favorite shows, your favorite songs - two great tastes that taste great together.
Melodramatic Fanfic Reading
Over-the-top fanfic, read in the manner it deserves.
Do you want to…sing?
Where Are All the Straight People? Slash in Fanworks
Why gay is ‘natural’ in fanfic, and a defense of the straight minority. ADULTS ONLY.
Everybody Talks About It: Stuff to Watch First (Essential Anime)
The anime core curriculum. Help us pick anime’s “required courses.”
But It's All Crap! Where to Find Good Fanfic
Can't find the needles of quality in the haystacks of dreck? Think of this panel as a magnet.
Cultural Literacy: How they Say What in Anime
Sweat drops, cherry blossoms, and nosebleeds… decoding visual cues in anime