LepreCon 28

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Art Show & Auction
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Modern Dance
Anime & THEM
Filk & Music
Charity Auction

$35 till 5/05/2002
$40 at the door
Printable Form

Contacting LepreCon 28
P.O. Box 26665
Tempe, AZ 85285

  VelaVision at LepreCon 28

Velavision is known at local Arizona Science Fiction conventions for their videotaped on-site newscasts. These very popular video newsreels show live interviews with convention guests, original animation, short subjects, how-to demos involving art and costuming and of course video overviews of past conventions. A favorite topic, usually covered in depth by the Velavision crew, is the convention masquerade, a pageant showcasing the talents of both amateur costume designers and also those modeling their costumes.

Junk Box Wars, the latest challenge from Velavision based on the cable TV show Junkyard Wars but on a smaller scale. Contestants must overcome a challenge by building small contraptions from a box full of junk, then compete against other teams in solving the problem. Prizes will be given.

Animation Showcase; anyone that would like to show their work on Velavision during the convention are Invited to provide Velavision a copy of their animation for viewing at the convention during Velavision broadcasts. Submissions must be in NTSC or IBM compatible format, submission deadline is 30-April-2002. For more information go to www.velavision.com or email Velavision.