LepreCon 29



$35 until 4/30/03
$40 at the door
Kids 7-12 half price,
Six and under Free
with Adult Membership
Online Registration


LepreCon 29
PO Box 26665 Tempe, AZ 85285

(480) 945-6890
Email: Lep29@LepreCon.org

   Musical Happenings

Musical Guest of Honor - Karen WIllson

Our Musical guest is Karen Willson, an individual whose Filk credits go clear back to the release of the "Children of the Future" cassette in 1978. This was the first Filk tape generally available to the public. A few years ago DAG acquired the rights to this collection and added more songs, creating the 3rd edition cassette. Now DAG has released the 3rd edition music on to CD for the first time. What is amazing about this CD is that the music is just as rich and enjoyable as it was when it was first released. Karen Willson has a wonderful voice which accents her lyrics and tunes. Many of her friends sing backup on the songs. Not only is this a Historical collection of songs, but it is outstanding music and a must have in anyone's collection.

Karen Willson also is creator, publisher and editor of A Girl's World Online Clubhouse, www.agirlsworld.com, the busiest site for young women in the world. Her extensive background in the entertainment world includes writing, producing and helping manage a wide range of projects for children and adults. With her writing partner, husband Chris Weber, she has scripted more than 50 children's television episodes including episodes of He-Man, GI Joe, Transformers and others. She also created and produced the "edutainment", the Adventurer's Club for the 1996 WorldCon, and again at the 200th anniversary festival for Mission San Luis Rey." Karen Willson's "Children of the Future" can be ordered on the web at: http://www.filk.com/ or bought at the Filk table during LepreCon. (Notice the two Ls in Willson if you are doing a web search) [sources for this were the world wide web and the DAG promos]

Author GOH to give Concert!

Additionally we are having a Concert from Author Guest of Honor, Charles de Lint and his wife, MaryAnn Harris. Their music will be mostly their Original Songs with some Folk and Celtic traditional songs as well. On her Web Page MaryAnn says of their work:
"Charles and I love music and frequently attend concerts by our many favourite performers. We're musicians ourselves, and can be found on Thursday nights playing our hearts out at Patty's Pub on Bank Street here in Ottawa. We perform a mix of our own original songs and instrumentals, as well as traditional Celtic music, and we cover contemporary songs by the likes of Fred Eaglesmith, Steve Earle, Mike Plume, Julie Miller and many other fine songwriters. Charles's main instruments are vocals and guitar, flute, fiddle and whistles, while mine are mandolin, guitar, vocals and bodhran (Irish drum). We're almost always accompanied by our excellent comrade and fiddler extraordinaire, Don Fletcher, and we frequently have the pleasure of excellent harmonies from Kenny Heins and great guitar licks from Jon 'Mad Dog' Caven."
A CD is in the works. We'll let you know when it's available."

Musical Schedule

    7:00 p.m. Meet the GOHs 8:00 Karen Willson Concert 9:30 Charles de Lint & MaryAnn Harris in Concert 11:00 Filk Suite opens
    11:00 a.m. Coffee and Conversation with Charles de Lint and MaryAnn Harris (Filk Suite) 9:00 Filk Circle
    1:00 p.m. Filk Suite Jam
If you have any questions send them to: