©Leprecon, Inc. 2006
The LepreCon 32 Music Guest of Honor will be Bill Laubenheimer.
He's a computer programmer participating in the Silicon Valley favorite activity of starting up a company as its software architect. No, wait. He's a tournament-level bridge player. No, wait. He's a filker. Well, Bill is all of these things plus being a romantic (Just ask his wife, Carole Parker, about his romantic proposal and their wedding.), who is looking forward to being at LepreCon and meeting everyone.

He will have a Saturday Concert and will appear on panels. He will be at the Filk Circle Friday and Saturday nights and at the Sunday afternoon Filk Jam. He will also be on several panels. He is known to be the author of at least a couple of programming related songs and sings a wide array of Filk. The Phoenix Filk Circle will be out in full cry and a good time will be had by all.
Bill Laubenheimer
by Carole Parker

He was a smart kid who started reading science fiction almost as soon as he found it in the school library. His musical education included piano lessons (age 6-8), exposure to music theory (age 8 or 9), singing in the church
choir (teen years), and cello playing (age 11-15) because the high school orchestra was short of cellists.

Despite this, Bill wasn't exposed to organized fandom until meeting me. I introduced him to filk while we were dating. Bill had participated in musical activities while in school, but hadn't done so in quite a while. Hearing and participating in filking brought music back into his life, and he's having fun using his creative skills in this way.

Being a part of the filk community is the first thing in a long time that has directed Bill's attention toward improving his musical abilities.

Bill says "I am quite interested in exploring a broad range of musical styles, both in composing and performing -- more than my skills or available time would allow me to learn. So, I am seeking technological assistance, and am
busy figuring out ways to use a computer as a musical partner."

Figures that a computer geek who sings would look at using a computer to help him with his music.

Bill's work includes many observations of the fannish life. He strongly favors Louis Armstrong's position that good music is wherever you find it, and he expects to look in some interesting places.

In mundane life, Bill is actively engaged in the popular Silicon Valley activity of starting a software company, as chief software architect for Cemantica, Inc. Other recreational pursuits include gourmet cooking, bicycling, competing in bridge tournaments, and reading science fiction stories.

$40 thru 4/15/06,
$45 for the weekend
Kids 7-12 half price,
Six and under Free with Adult Membership
LepreCon 32
PO Box 26665
Tempe, AZ 85285
(480) 945-6890
Email: Lep32@LepreCon.org
Online Registration
Mail in Reg Form
The Filk Schedule as of now is:

Fri 9:00 p.m. - 12:00 Silicon Life Forms Circle [Computer Songs]

11:30 p.m. – 6:00 a.m. Bardic Circle

Sat 1:00 p.m. – Bill’s Filk Concert (Might change slightly)

9:00 p.m. – 6:00 a.m. Bardic Circle

Sun 1:00 p.m. ... Filk Jam