LepreCon 29



$35 until 4/15/04
$40 at the door
Kids 7-12 half price,
Six and under Free 
with Adult Membership 
Online Registration
Mail in Reg Form   


LepreCon 30
PO Box 26665 Tempe, AZ 85285
(480) 945-6890
Email: Lep30@LepreCon.org

   LepreCon 30 Programming

LepreCon 30 Programming will feature our Guests of Honor and many other Artists, Authors, Scientists and other experts in a wide variety of panels and activities.  Check back soon for more details.  Below is a preliminary schedule of our major events.  A Near Final Detailed Program Grid PDF (5/06) is Now available.

Programming Highlights

Thursday May 6 (Pre-reg members)
 8:00 pm
David Drake
 9:00 pm
What's That Byte

Friday May 7 
2:30 pm Programming Starts
7:00 pm Meet the Pros
8:00 pm
Filk Circle Starts
8:30 pm
Dragon Page Interviews the GoHs
8:30 pm
Junk Box Wars
9:00 pm  Art Show Walkthrough with 
Donato Giancola and Sylvana Anderson-Gish
10:00 pm  UFP Presents SciFi Jeopardy


Saturday May 8th
10:00 am Programming Starts
10:00 am
John Eaves
11:00 am Blood Drive Starts
11:30 am
Local Artist Guest Sylvana Anderson-Gish
12:00 pm
Filk Concert with Mara Brener
   1:00 pm   Artist GoH Donato Giancola
   2:00 pm Author GoH David Drake & Artist GoH Donato Giancola
   2:30 pm
Charity Auction
   3:00 pm
Author GoH David Drake
   6:00 pm
The Dragon Page Live on KFYI
   7:00 pm Masquerade
   9:00 pm
Life Casting Demo
   8:00 pm
Filking Starts
 10:00 pm ConFusion Modern Dance
 11:00 pm
London Voodoo Film Screening
Bawdy Filk


Sunday May 9th
10:00 am Programming Starts
10:00 am  Barry Bard's At the Movies
11:30 am
ASFA Regional Meeting
 1:00 pm  Art Auction
 4:00 pm Compliments and Complaints

 The Art of Film Making
Welcome to a new feature of programming. Filmmaking will be a separate track with panels and workshops that will show how to create a movie. This year we will introduce you to the process and you can take part in the making of the teaser/trailer for LepreCon 31’s movie.  The trailer will be shown on Sunday at the Barry Bard movie preview panel at LepreCon 30. The panels and events will be an overview/introduction to screenplay writing, concept design, prop building, costuming, filming, lighting, special make-up effects, editing and computer effects. The art and costuming panels will briefly show how art and graphic design are a necessary part of the movie making process.  Even though amateurs and professionals of this craft will present these events, the events and panels are not meant to take the place of certified teachers.
   Due to the time constraints of the convention some of the elements will have to be started before the convention and we invite you to participate. If you would like to be apart of our filming adventure Pre-con work and At-Con panels please e-mail us.